Chapter 6 (ENGLISH)

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As two young girls were following the servants through endless corridors and staircases, Kornelius was waiting for His Majesty's Secretary to appear.

He didn't like the idea of ​​leaving Sun and Ewwie alone but ... his priority was to speak to the emperor. That was why he had gone to the Palace and, although they were great friends, Alexander was not someone that you could be kept waiting.

- "I hope he is not in a bad mood..." - he murmured in a slow voice.

- "Master Kornelius! I'm so glad to see you back ..." - commented a man, older in years, who in those moments was coming down the stairs to greet him.

Korn smiled.

- "I'm also glad to be here ... Secretary Koen".

The old man nodded and, with a few slight gestures, urged him to follow him.


- "The units are ready and the preparations for the reception completed" - informed the butler after a brief bow.

Her majesty, the Queen Consort, nodded slightly without saying a word as she had more important matters to discuss.... like how to make the big dummy of her husband see that the Selection was not going to turn out as he expected, much less after what happened during the last contest.

- "I do not understand how you can believe that this is going to work" - she said as soon as the last of the servants left the room - "Do you really want to sacrifice another woman to this madness?"

The emperor, sitting on a fluffy sofa, looked at his wife. The woman was walking from one side of the room to the other, clearly upset.

Alexander sighted, already tired with the situation.

Without a doubt he knew that this  matter was a complicated subject for his wife and, above all, for Kongpob. However they had not been there when his grandfather, in a fit of anger and ignoring the experts, decreed that the Selection for the marriage of his eldest son, Prince Maximilian II, would not be carried out, allowing him to choose a wife without more requirement than being noble and of good birth. 

The results, as her mother had told him during one of their private meetings, had been devastating.

Luckily this time he had a plan, a small light in the darkness and , if all went well, they could prevent the death of a new girl. The only problem would be that his son will be forced to fulfill his obligations of birth and marry whoever wore the crown.

- "You know there is no other way. The Selection must be done before the crown prince takes possession of the throne" - he answered in a soft voice, trying to calm her although he knew it would be practically impossible - "and I can no longer delay it any longer" .

Nessa snorted as she dropped onto the seat next to her husband's. She already knew all that, but she could not stop worrying about their son who, although  was showing public acceptance of his father's decision, it was obvious to those who knew him that he had not forgotten what had happened in the previous Selection, much less the girl he had loved dearly.

- "I'm worried about Kongpob. He hasn't forgotten her."

Alexander looked at the downcast face of his wife wondering how far he should tell her or even if it needed to be done. After a few seconds he sighed.

- "I know. But he has to get over it and move on" - he said while thinking what the most appropriate words could be - "It is not good to cling to the past, especially for a ruler who must make decisions that affect millions of people".

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