Chapter 9 (ENGLISH)

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All the ladys, beautifully dressed, were walking around the hall with their companions. Some were greeting their acquaintances and friends with great joy and excitement. Others, the older ones, had began to form small groups with which they could ally themselves, given the case.

Kongpob sighed as he watched the guests from his place at the second floor...



- "I can't believe how many have come tonight" - Gulf said as he watched the girls, who were smiling as they fanned themselves despite the cold.

- "I cannot understand it, really.... How can they be walking around the room with those short dresses? Aren't they cold? " - commented Kong while pointing to a young woman in a strapless dress that reached above her knees - "I think that more than knowing each other or seeing the families, they seem to be competing for something else... who knows what..."

Gulf groaned, perfectly understanding what Kongpob was referring to.

It had been always like this ... women tended to follow Kong all the time. The prince was not able to be more than five minutes alone without one of them approaching him to try to seduce him. And that was not what the man was looking for in a wife...he didn't mind it if it was only for a night but not for something more... what a pity.

They were exactly what he liked.

- "They are beautiful..."

Kong sighed.

- "I don't care about that...not in a queen" - answered Kongpob while looking at him for a moment.

"If only they could be  more like my Lira... she really knew what was proper and what not...", the prince though sadly as he turned around, leaving his back resting on the balustrade.

For a second he closed his eyes, trying to see the face of the girl he loved in his mind. However a minute later he opened them while a growl escaped from his lips.


Now even the memory of the girl could not calm his battered heart as... since that nightmare, the figure of that faceless boy had been chasing him every time he closed his eyes.

His lips, his gaze full of ... of ... he didn't even know how to explain it but every time he woke up from one of those dreams, his heart was beating crazily and ... it was better not to think in his body's reaction.

A mess.. 

A stupid mess he was hating more and more with each day that passed.


Kong groaned slightly as he got near the woman. Lira was looking at him with flushed cheeks and a sensual smile on her lips. All of this while making signs for him to settle into bed and over her naked and expectant body.

- "Love..." - he  whispered, then he began to descend on the girl. 

However, as soon as he brushed Lira's skin with his fingers, her body began to blur ... disappearing in a matter of seconds... to be exchanged for a boy with pale skin and black eyes, who was looking at him with desire.


Kongpob turned his head, closing his eyes as he tried in vain to erase from his mind the image of those fingers on his skin ... of those eyes that ... that ...

- "Wow ... look at that girl ... she is, let's say, exactly what I like... you know what I mean" - said, at that moment, Gulf while giving him a slight nudge.

A nudge that made Kong, looking  a bit aggrieved, turned towards him.

- "I'm not interested, Gulf... I'm not looking for a one night stand. Not anymore..."

The young man beside him sighed sadly.

- "Well, you don't know what you're missing then... these parties are great for that..."

- "I'm not looking for company, Gulf... In fact I wouldn't even be here if I had not been forced ..." - Kong said with a frown - "it's not like I have to decide on anything ... that damn crown will do it for me...".

After which the prince headed towards the door while ignoring Gulf, who was asking him to wait.

However at the end it was his father's words that made Kongpob stop dead in his tracks and, with an expression of shock on his face, retrace his steps to observe the newcomer.

- "No way..."


- "Good evening" - said the man that was carrying the Order's cross on his chest - "I am Lord Kornelius. The person that is going to lead this year's Selection ... and without further ado I will begin to explain the details of the first test..."


- "I cannot believe it....a search" - Gulf muttered as he turned to his old friend - "It seems that this year the tests are not going to be like three years ago ...".

Kongpob didn't even reply  as he was quite busy watching the contestants mutter to each other and their assistants, evidently making plans that would allow them to pass the first test.

His gaze finally fell on his parents who, sitting on the thrones, could not have more disparate expressions on their faces. His mother seemed worried and even disappointed, while his father was showing a wide smile and seemed quite happy about something.... who knows what...

"This is going to be more complicated than I thought...especially if  Master is the one in charge of the process..."

If he was not careful, everything he had planned would be for nothing... he.. he needed to think... 

He needed to...


- "I'm going to my room" - Kongpob said as he turned again towards the door. He was planning on making a short stop at his father's private library. 

Gulf looked at his friend and, without saying anything, saw him disappear from the balcony and the party.

"His majesties will get angry...he has not even been introduced to the girls..."

However  Gulf knew that nothing he could say would change his friend's mind. Much less when he had that look of resolution in his eyes.

The same look that he had three years ago when, against all his advices, he allowed his fiancée to be left alone with the Crown when not even the last trial had yet begun.

An error that, without a doubt, he was paying with his pain and a feeling of guilt that, even today, continued to consume him completely.

Gulf sighed as he turned towards the party and, leaning on the balustrade, looked at the girls.

"None", he told himself, "none lived up to Lira...".

It was then that his gaze fell on a young lady who, unlike the other ones, was leaning against a wall while frowning.

"Hmmm... yes..." he though "that girl is surely the hottest I have ever seen...".

THE BLOODY CROWN/ LA CORONA SANGRIENTADonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora