His Return

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Y/N POV: 'No...It...It can't be him...no...'

"W...Why are you here Jason?", you say while turning around, shaking, fear showing in your eyes like an icy flame. 

"Simply to claim what is mine~" Jayson says, walking closer. 

You run upstairs and grab your scientist security card for the foundation, and then you hide in your bedroom with a tranquilizer gun. You can hear him walking up the stairs, saying with that annoying voice of his, "I know where you are~". When he gets to the door, he walks into your room. he walks toward your bed and looks underneath and says "FOUND YA", but to his dismay, you were not there. He looks puzzled before passing out by a due to a tranquilizer in his neck. You pick him up, and drag him to your van before driving to Site-19. 

-In A Test Chamber, 5 Hours Later-

You speak on the intercom for the room "D-Class (insert super damn long number), you are here for testing with my b- SCP-049-J. Bring him in." the intercom cuts off as he enters the room. Jason looks mortified.  "So, what were you going to say before you said my name, my good sir?"  SCP-049-J says, or should I say, your boyfriend says aloud. even though they can't see you, they know you're there.  Over the intercom, you say "SCP-049-J, this man is delusional. I would like to see you cure his ailment."

He looks quite pleased with this,  and rummages through his bag until he finds a bat. He then bludgeons Jason to death and screams "PATIENT CURED". You walk down and into the room after shutting down all of the cameras and look him in the eye before whispering a quick 'I love you' after a kiss on the cheek.


So I had that idea a little while ago  and thought you guys might like it. Hope you enjoyed, peace out.

317 words. 

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