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It was, yet again, another day. I woke up, did everything I normally do. I look at my work for today, and find out that I have a interrogation with SCP-049, and SCP-049-J. It isn't common, but not unheard of. I will be accompanying (Name Redacted), aka Watch.

Time skip, 3:00 PM, Breakroom, Y/N POV:

I meet up with Watch, and we chat for a bit. After a while, we start to walk to Interrogation Room 28.

We went in after the guards chained up the SCPs, and we were briefed, told what to and not to do. We went into the room, asked the normal questions, and then there was one we didn't expect.

"Do either of you have a love interest?" Watch asked, expecting a no from both.

In his monotone, almost robotic voice, 049 replies with "No."

049-J, in his strange accent, replies with "But of course, my dear Y/N here."

The room became silent. the researches behind the glass dropped their clip boards, one of the guards dropped their gun.

Time skip, Next Day, D-(long ass number) Cell, Y/N POV:

They turned me into a Class D for having a "Relationship with a SCP"

and to have fun with me, they decided to have me test with SCP-682, aka The Hard To Destroy Reptile. Little do they know, the lizard likes me. Mostly because I give him company and would refuse to leave him alone until he liked me. so now, we're besties.

Time Skip, 4 pm, Heavy Containment, SCP-682 Cell, Testing Commencing Y/N POV

Well shit. here I am, about to be thrown in acid. I'm just fuckin with ya, I'm sitting on 682 while he escapes. I ask him to pick up 049 and 049-J on the way, when we accidentally walk through a tesla gate and get shocked.

To Be Continued.

312 words.

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