Thunder Man VS Iron Man.

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"Attack me" Ogun commanded Kola as they faced of each other at the bank of the stream at mid-morning. Kola nodded silently, trying to think up an attack plan to improve his chances of survival. He was very determined to stay alive.

Kola noticed a small gathering of spectators to watch his godly beat down. He saw a short man who was wearing a stained white singlet on faded jean shorts with a straw hat. He looked a lot like a palm-wine tapper. He also saw Ife. She was surrounded by four women; a crone, a very distinguished looking woman and two maidens—one of which who looked familiar but he could be sure because of the distance. The babalawo whose name he found out was Sangosakin was there also. Yemisi was chatting with a statuesque female wearing a burgundy hijab and a serious expression on her face. Ogun noticed the female as well. The only one absent was Omítọ̀nàdé.

"Your three wives don complete, Fine boy" Ogun informed him.

"Three what?" He asked absentmindedly subtly searching for Omítọ̀nàdé.

"This fight na today?" Ogun asked impatiently after a minute "Blow me joor."

"That statement means a lot of things but I'll assume you mean I should hit you" Kola said.

"Ode" Ogun insulted him. Fool.

Kola decided his best and probably only chance of survival would be his lightning, so he flitted towards Ogun, jolts of electricity flashing across his skin. Just before he got to Ogun, he swerved to the side and hurled a stone at him yelling AIRA. Ogun eyes became alit with surprise as well as something that looked vaguely like respect. He moved so fast that Kola eyes could barely register the movement. Lightning struck the spot where the stone landed and Ogun wasn't there.

Kola surveyed the area for him till he spotted him at the edge of the forest. Then he clapped his hands together and opened them creating a ball of fire which he launched at Ogun face. Ogun caught it in his hands like they were playing a game dodge ball, then he opened his mouth wide and gave a bored yawn. He muttered a spell increasing the fireball— making it five times the size of what he received—and happily chucked it back to the sender. The ball of fire streaked the air like a shooting star as it zoomed towards Kola. He had to dive sideways to avoid the fiery meteor but the fierce heat from the fire still seared his skin.

The flaming ball crashed into a tree which felled in  Kola’s direction. He had to a forward flip to avoid being crushed by the timber, landing in a crouch.

"Stand up and fight me boy, let me see your vexation" Ogun roared spittle flying from his lips.

"Fine" Kola replied with an awful glower on his face "You want to see my anger, I will show you rage."

He felt within him and dug deep into his well of ashe, instantly he leveled up. Kola moved with lightning swiftness ,striking Ogun with his head, a powerful nodding to his temple that would have definitely given him a headache if he were just a man. A thunder-like sound could be heard in the wake of his motion.

"That's what I'm talking about" Ogun said giving a manic laughter, his own energy rising fast as well so that what the others saw was a clash of pure red light and a deep indigo blue radiance. They separated and clashed repeatedly until Ogun got the upper hand and flung Kola hard across the clearing to where the others were watching. They all dived out of the way right before he crashed into a tree.

Kola let out a very audible cry on impact as he fell to the hard packed dirt. He was drenched in sweat, drained and didn't have any fight left in him. Black starburst dotted his vision as he made an attempt to get to his feet. He almost succeeded but his knees surrendered themselves to the earth at the last moment.

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