Slow Dancing In The Dark

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"Get off me!" I screamed pushing two horrifying boys away from me. Today was the ball to celebrate I ran as fast as I could in my ball gown, with those two men running after me. It was so horrifying. I ran to one of the one places they couldn't touch me. The ballroom. 

It was halfway across the palace, but I knew a shortcut, I went through the kitchen those people at least 20 feet away from me. I hid behind the door of the kitchen, putting a finger to my lips as a signal to not tell the men anything. My beau Katsuki, immediately nodded. He was just like me, a royal. Just like I, we liked to help around the castle though it was frowned upon.

They got back to work as the two boys came, and looked around, not spotting me. When they left, Katsuki rushed over to me and grabbed my hands. "Kyouka, why were you hiding from those men?"

I looked around before whispering "They were, touching me, in um places that made me feel, quite uncomfortable." I said quietly.

Katsuki's face changed. It was scary. He was going to have their heads.

I stroked his hand and I led him through the odd tunnel to the ballroom, where it was time for the waltz.

We quickly rushed to the floor and started dancing and spinning, and our laughs filled the room till we were the only ones dancing.

Soon enough, the floor was filled again, with a another song playing.

"Do you mind if I go get us champagne, or should we go together, I know you must feel uncomfortable because of those men," Katsuki whispered.

I flicked his forehead and ushered him to go get the drinks. He gave me a bored look and I giggled at his expression.

While he was away, I saw the two men approach me. I tried to go to Katsuki, but they grabbed me and I knew it was late.

Something horrible was going to happen.


They dragged me to this room that I didn't even know of, and began to try and undress me. I yelled and screamed and cried and pushed and hit, but that only made them more aggressive. I was  scared for my life.

I gave up on all hope. The dress had been forced off. I was done for.

Or so I thought.

20 or so guards and Katsuki burst through the door. The guards rushed forward and grabbed the two men, they averted their eyes from me as I held my dress and cowered in the corner, to scared and shocked to say anything or move.

All the guards rushed out of the room, and Katsuki stayed.

They shut the door and Katsuki stepped up, so did I. He help me put the dress back on, as I tried to hold back tears. Only God knew how thankful I was he showed up. I was scared, I thought I was going to die. He's a life saver.

He help me with the last part of the dress and then twirled me to face him. My eyes were still glossy, and he immediately wrapped his arms around me. I felt the tears flow till I was sobbing and we were on the ground. "I wanted to run....they were too far.." I said between sobs.

At this point, Katsuki also had tears coming out of his eyes. We've only been apart for about 10 minutes, but we didn't want to be apart any longer. We couldn't let go, afraid someone was going to tear us apart.

Katsuki was never the type to be nice and kind. Well, that's what I thought when I first met him. I thought he was arrogant, stuck up, angry kid. Yeah he was an angry person, so was I, but as we became closer, I started to love him, and he me. We started dating when I was 13 and him 14. We're both 20 now, and we were lucky enough to betrothed to each other, which surprised the kingdoms and us as well. He had this soft spot and was always gentle, and treated me like a glass goblet.

All of the sudden he grabbed me and we ran throughout the halls, quietly moving past the ballroom where our parents were dancing, this odd tradition they had every time a ball had concluded.

We walked through this odd tunnel which led to a beautiful garden that glowed in moonlight.

We were the only ones in this beautiful garden, and he pulled me to the center of it and we begun to dance.

We were humming to the song and smiling and just appreciating this moment together. Both had grown tired of dancing and sat on the swing, admiring the stars. He whispered in a low husky voice "You know, I'm jealous those trolls, they got to see you naked before I did." I smirked and placed a kiss on his lips, one of those that would make him pissed that I didn't kiss him longer.

I got up and began walking around the garden, his red eyes widened. He was pissed, and that was my goal. *WEIRD PART CAUSE I WANTED TO MAKE ONE DO NOT SHOW THE CHILDREN*

I then *strutted up to the dance floor jkjk* went up to him sat back on the swing, but i laid on Katsuki's lap instead, slipping off my shoes cause I was exhausted from all the running. He placed a passionate kiss on my lips. He whispered "Je t'aime, repose bien ma chérie," And kiss my fore *Meaning I love you my dear, sleep well* I smiled back up at him. "Toi aussi mon amour."


Hi! Sorry it's been quite hard to update lately. I hope you are all staying safe. Yesterday was my school's last day throughout the entire year maybe. Hopefully this stupid virus will slow down, start causing conflict, and everything will be back to normal. I also hope you all are doing well and are happy :) I'll put the photos that inspired me to do this if you guys want to see em. 

Have a nice day/night! 

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