the hartbarek

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Year's later, kion is now leard of the lion guar he is fands with jusire kove Nuka and Vitani thay live in the outlands. Thay still do snak out at night but kion did come hone to last one time and say that he had a nightmare. Kion waek up anyone was aseelp and he made his way to the Portland wan he saw rane but no one else he want down to her " just me and you tonight??" Kion said " I think so ki-ki" she replay " wount to play hied and sell" kion ask " umm...okay ki count" and kion start to count and rane ran to hind.

Rane.  Pov
Rane was running tiring to find a hied please that she didn't notice that she was in zair part of the outlands as she look behind her to see if kion was ther she bump into ziar and wan she look up the cub was shaking in fear " oh look who we have hear litter rane what did  say aboutcome in my part of the outlands" zear said before the cub could anson zear spark " that okay you will only have to git ripe!!" Zear pict the cud up with her paw as she did rane yalld. " HELLP ME!!!!!!KION!!!!!!!!!" Zear put the cub so ther way to eat " kion will not be able to help you no one will"  than she ther her at a wall and than bit her some times and ther her some more till shews not alber to more or talk all she could do it hope for kion to git ther before she is daed. Zear thear her one more time than said "we are done hear say hi to Mufasa for me"

Kion pov

Just as kion got done counting he heard a yald for help and thay was calling his name he know exactly who it was "rane" kion ran to where it come fome but wan he found her he fult his heart stop for a sec he could not believee shet he is looking at his fand the girl that he like was just laying ther in a pool of bold. Kion want over to her " r-rane" she open her eays "kion I'm glass your hear  I'm not going to live but I wount you to know that I love you I have seen the first time I saw you and thank you for being such good fans pzs give  give do the right pied to my litter bother and  king to" she said " no no you can't go you cant!!!!" Kion was   she said her last word year kion was looking at his feet "I-i love you too" kion look baek up a her no life body that thank about what she said "ZEAR!!!"  The young lion said in angered.

Part 3 will come out soon I have more time this week. Cuz I'm out school cuz if the new sicks

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