the retuand

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When juasiri and kion got to the teer of life it was not too long till that saw the night paired and bodily saw his big sister and ran over to them " kion is my sister okay what happens!!".jusiru saw that kion was getting ready to break so she spoke " your sister had an impart thang to do to do with the pice been piredlands and the teer of life but there was one lioness who did not won't pice and atek her we try to stop her but we were to laet you s-sesser is gone I'm sorry" I'm not going into detail but that had the funeral and coordination there was a lot of crying and the only one who did not cry was kion....he was in a daydream all day all kion could see was rani body laying they wane he found her and all he could hear was his own voice.

Till jusiri pushed him in the wheat before that left and he snaps out of it " hay daydream boy snap out of it I'm not going be there wan you have to explain to your parents why you were gone all day" okay Siri I'm out, of it I'm out of it. That said Ther good beys and want home wan they got back to the outlands The sun was going down.thay said goodbye to each other and jusrir want to her den and kion want to the piedlands making his way to pored rock his home. Saving if it was the place he wanted to be on the other paw it was the only place he knows to go.

Wan kion got to the bottom of pored rock it started to rain kion said get this day can't get any works, can it? But can he got to the top keaar his mom and dad came up to him " hear have you been" Samba said " I sport too soon kion said. " it does not matter I'm home and I'm fine" kion said " ummm...okay" Simba said than it started to rain heavy
Simba nana and Keara want in sied the den but kion want to the way of pied rock and look over the piredlands. " kion come in you get sick" " I will in a minute mom" kion said 10 minutes go by they call his name but kion would not mover he was like stones looking over the piedlznds thinking of all the good times he had with his hands and his outlands fends.

5 more minutes of by and samba had had enough he won't know where his son was all-day he wants to know why kion was depressed. the king ran into the rain and pick his son up by the scruff. " DAD!! Let me go" kion hissed at his dad. Simba walked inside and put kion down. The young piece looks up to see his parents look down at home with this look than the look over to his sister with the same look on her face worry and confusion. Than kion fault that the whole world was against him, kion was fathing he needs to talk to his grandfather. Kion tries to get out of his parents' eay but than bump into Keara and said " kion you know you can tell us anything" kion just look at her and said, "shut up!!" Kion than try to run out but just as he got to the mother of the den Simba pick him up by the scruff turned around sat his son down and then wrapped his paws around him to hold him still. Wen siamb pulled close kion could not take in any more. Kion started to sod and he was crying hard this wan new to his family cuz kion has always act staring and hind his enemies so he was not just crying cuz of rani he was also cuz all the darts that he had and cuz all the mean things ziar and tofu do and say to him.

Samba was in the same poes but he was sark to see his son this way. Nina looks over at her mate and asks " what exactly were you going to do??" " I was going try to hold him hear till he comes down so we will be able to talk to him."

I will have the next part out soon

And at pored rock ther is 2 den and have 3 one in the middle that is just for the king,queen, pisses soon to be queen and the pince lead of the lion guard

Okay I should stop not or I'll be here all day😃😃😃

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