2. Weeks later

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A couple weeks have gone by and kion has told his fands and family eavything about rari to zeara is good. Kion has found why he was the leader of the lion guard after all this he keep on fighting and did not give up the Hayes and bad lions are good but the are ster bad guys all the eaes form the teer if life but the lion has been fighting them. Kion did git in big trouble water all this he did git grounded for 2 days. And his parents made sure that he was not going out at night he had a little lust freedom but thay was so proud that ther son did all that.

With boily

Boily was actually doing pretty well at being the new king. He miss his older sister so much but he know that she was in a good place with ther mom and dad and one day thay will meet agen.

Thank you for staying till the eab. I was re whath the lion guard don't just a Hayes by ther stplops. And this is where it took me. -kel

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