people can change

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Kion was the first to waek up that maring he want out to the eag of pride rock. He sat there and was thinking about his role as leard of the lion guard

I have to fit up each and every day and go on pistol I save anmores all day and no matter how tiered I am I make my self keep on. I always sand up for my family and friends ther was a couple times i save jasiri some zear and rari from the big liser it bit me inward if her and yet all this and I falld I lost the batter. He was thinking all this

Kion than said " forgive and forget " its something his grandfather tald him. Than kion heard footsteps behind him. The cub tuand to see his dad "dad??" Kion was  confused on why his dad was up so early. The sun has not even try to start to raise samba don't unls git up this early. " are you okay son" " yes daddy" kion said in a happy cirdfuill voice kion was excited to put his hand in acting. The fater and son watch as the sun came up soon enough the lions was baek some the huant and anyone had eating.

When that was done eating "dad!! going on pistol see you later" " bey son" just as he lift nlna walk up to samba
" he okay samba"  "that the said part.....he act as if nothing happen"

        With kion
When kion got to the lion guard hq he ran in almost running in to a wall he was going so fast. That all at once seamd " KION!!" " yes I'm baek...but now I have something important to do I wont to let you know" kion said " so what is this important thang " fuil said  "yhar and waer the haek have you been" buang said  eavy one been worry about you kion" bushte said " I know I know I pomes I will explain eavything wan I git baek" kion replay " oh and if anyone ask you did not see me" " okay kion....but be long you gone de gone for " ono said. " if I'm not bark by panel and run time come looking" and like that the young line was gone. The....well what was lift fo the lion guard started the morning poorer.

          In the outlands
Wan kion got the Portland he wants to hear part fo the outlands. As he enters he past the part whar he found his feand daed he could see the image of rnri in his mind. Falling he got to the main part fo it and bump into zear  "well look who it is litter kion" "zeara we need to talk" he said "there nothing to talk about don't you see young lion I have won the battle" " That may be so but we both know that I will win the War" kion said. " and how you know that and what are you going to use agent me" zeara said " this"

" zeara we both know what you did was wrong to my big brother and rari but some people do that and I know I will not be able to do anything about this"kion said " so I forgive you zeara" was sark " what no," she said " I won't be able to change you find you but zeara this....this is not who you are I wish you could see who you really are but....the bust I can do is forgive you," kion Said. " oh yhae so who am I then" " you are a smart lioness who is hurt form the past and trying to make someone gole come tuar that you forgot what is important," kion said

" oh and what is so important" zear ask
Kion suap asked and behim was her 3 cubs than her rock hard hart back okay kion you win the War kids come on I'm sorry for what iv done I know I was not right can we start over" Nuka and Vitani said yes but kove just sand ther she runs to him and said will you forgive me " I don't know mom can I see my fends in the piedlands" yes son you can. okay, mom, I'm in. The lion family want home as soon got to the pied and bard Jaja and jusiri came up to him " Go kion wip pee, you just did that wow what you said wow" hmmm...thank I got to go now see you."

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