Ruby(He Feels Guilty)

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It's been a week since Olvia died at the quinceanera and my boyfriend Ruby shot. A memorial was placed in front of the Martinez house and everyone came by to pay their respects for Olivia.

Ruby has not been himself since the quinceanera. He has been more angry and short tempered. I have been going by the hi ouse for the past week to get him out of his room but no luck. But today was going to be different I'm going to try to help. He's my boyfriend I dont like seeing him this way.

I knock on the door and Mrs.Martinez opens the door."Hi Mrs.Martinez is Ruben home",I say. "Hi mija and yes he is in his room",she says giving me a hug. I say hello to the twins and Mr.Martinez as I walk to Ruby's room. I knock on the door but I get no answer. Slightly opening the door I peak and tip toe in.

When I make it to Ruby I sit on the bed and play with Ruby's hair to wake him up. He moves around and finally opens his eyes. "Hey bebe",he whispers. "Hi",I say with a small smile. Seeing him like this rips my heart into pieces.

"Hey um Monse,Cesar,and Jamal wanna know if your up to han- No", I say as I get interrupted. "Come on Ruby you need to get out of bed",I say grabbing his arm with all the strength I can. "I said No", he says as his voice gets louder." Ruby this is not healthy and you know it",I say standing up getting ready to leave. "It should  been me",i hear him whisper.

My heart drops to my feet. Ruby wanted to take Olivia place. I feel tears well up and then flow down the crevices of my face. I turn around and see Ruby sitting on the edge of the bed.

"IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME",he screamed. He has tears flowing down his face and he's shaking."He stands up from the bed"It should have been me to lose my life it should have been me",he says but then falls to his knees with his hands on his face crying.I hear footsteps rush to the room and Rubys komal and dad peek the door open. I shake my head and they give a small smile. The door closes and I sit next to Ruby rubbing his back."Hermoso I dont want to ever hear you say anything like that every again you under stand me,"I say.

"Its no one's fault a life was lost that night Olivia would not want you like this Ruby",I say. His cries turn to sniffles and he looks at me. I smile and lean in and give him a passionate and caring kiss. "I want my Ruby back and I will do everything I can to get him back,"I say leaning my head on his shoulders.

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