Mare POV

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It plagues me, even as I reach for the doorknob to get my dinner. But (almost) all thoughts of Cal are erased when I realize it is not food waiting for me, just my sister.

She snorts at my obvious depression at not being fed, to which I roll my eyes. Gisa walks into the room, and I want to subtly kick her out because Cal might be coming here, but keep her there in case he doesn't. She must be able to read minds or something, because she waves her hand through the air and says,

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be gone by midnight. Arailia (shop girl) and I will be staying up all night binge-watching all the Twilight movies in her and her parents room. Don't worry, they are gone on a trip so if it doesn't work out with Cal, then just come to room D8 and knock three times really hard and we'll let you in. Evangeline and Elane will be there too, by the way. Apparently we all really like Twilight." Then she runs out of the room and down the hallway screaming, "BELLWARD FOREVER!!!"

I roll my eyes once more at the spazz that is my sister. I am glad for Arailia, because Gisa seems happier and brighter ever since they started going out.

But now that she is gone I have nothing to distract myself from thinking about Cal. It's been too long since I've seen him, his tousled black hair, the warm bronze eyes, the well defined abs, and now I have to stop myself before I start to cry. 

A ring sounds in my room, and I have no idea why. A voice calls over whatever speaker system might be in here that,

"Mare Barrow! Your food is ready!"

I rush to the door, excited to see who I know is behind the door.

I open to door to a large tray on a large cart pushed by a girl with wide-open arms with lightning-blue hair.

"Mare!" She cries.

"Ella!" And then we embrace. She pulls away, saying,

"Oh, no, no, no! Did you not have hair dye for the months you were away!?"

"Um... no?" I say it like a question.

"Figures. Good thing I brought purple with me!"

I laugh at my friend, and we rush into my room, food in tow, and set up a dying station. Ella works on mine while I eat and pour my feelings out to her. She doesn't interrupt, not once. She smirks every time I wonder if he has moved on, and I know better than to ask. She says,

"Don't worry Mare. Your hair's done, and I will personally make you your favorite popcorn if you happen to join Evangeline, Arailia, Elane, Gisa, Kilorn, Farley, Rafe, and I in our Twilight Fest. More people may come, but I'll make sure it's only people you like."

I smile at her, grateful, and she pushes me out of the dying chair. "You done with your food? Because my hair is looking faded and I would like to get it done please."

I know what she is doing. Giving me a task so I forget about al the problems circling around in my mind. I have to say it only partly works.

As soon as the last piece of hair is dyed, she jumps up and starts rapidly cleaning the food, saying,

"Oh! It's so late!" I look at the time. 10:30. Yikes. " I gotta go to the Twilight Fest and leave you to get ready for midnight. Good luck!" she sings as she dances out the door, spinning away from sight.

I rush to the bathroom, laying out all the soap options. I decide on rose and lavender for the body soap and honey for my hair. I turn on the shower water, letting its warmth run through me, reminding me of Cal's touch. I let the steam surround me as I lather up soap and run my fingers through my hair. Once I am done, I turn of the water, wrap a towel around me and head to my bedroom only to find Evangeline and Gisa. Evangeline sits me down on a chair and starts bow drying my hair, leaving it dry instead of wet. Gisa rummages through my closet and a few options obviously taken from other people's, because I have never owned anything like that in my life. Evangeline starts to do my hair, braiding it and curling the bottom so it looked something like this only as a brown to purple ombre.

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