Evangeline POV

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We were just enjoying the second season of the Vampire Diaries where you meet Katherine when I get a text from Cal.

Meet in Mare's room. Across the hall. It's important. Don't tell anyone.

Fine. Be weird and vague.

But I noticed Mare, Kilorn, Farley, and Gisa also got texts. We decided to go separately as to not draw attention. Mare left, so naturally Cal followed her. They didn't come back so Kilorn went to check on them. Gisa went,

"She probably needs help from people who aren't idiots. Evangeline?"

And that's how we all got away without being suspected.

"What?" I snapped at Cal. "Why did you drag us away from the Masquerade episode? That's like the best one!"

"I dragged you away from the Masquerade episode because we need to talk."

"About what?" Gisa asked, also clearly pissed we were forced to miss the Masquerade episode of The Vampire Diaries. She has good taste that one, she knows Katherine is the iconic queen and doesn't want to miss the Masquerade episode where she's an actual evil

"It's about Summer. And Tyton."

"What? Oh please tell me they're not dating."

"They're not. I don't think. But this is what I heard. Tyton was saying "I don't know, Summer," and she said "Oh come on, Tyton," and then she was trying to persuade him to do something although she never said what it is. She kept asking for the details, and telling Tyton they needed this to work and he needed to be fully on board with the plan. I stuff don't know what the plan is, but during Game Night he kept glaring at Mare and I, and he was being really nosy."

Everyone was acting shocked and confused. Until I said,

"Isn't it obvious? Tyton was glaring at the thought of you two together because he wants to be with Mare. And as we all know Summer is obsessed with Cal. They want to break Mare and Cal up. Duh. But Tyton is skeptical about it because he's such a pure person. Most of the time. But we can't let them succeed. So you two," I pointed at Mare and Cal, "Can not break up or get mad at each other no matter what happens because it is all just a set up. Okay?"

They both nodded, obviously believing my smart deduction of their plan.

"If only we knew what they were planning," Gisa said.

"Oh we will. Because of you," I said.

"What?" Gisa asked.

"Okay you can pretend that Mare was being really unfair and choosing Cal over you and your family or something like that. Like you just want them to break up. But don't make him seem bad, we still want her to like him."


"Because once Summer hears that Gisa wants them apart, she will enlist Gisa to be her spy, because she is really close with all of us. And then Gisa learns the plan and tells us and we shut it down. But we have to let it go on for like a week so Summer trusts Gisa completely and tells her everything."

"Will you do it Gee? You don't have to," Mae said.

"Yes she does! She has to. You'll do it right?"

"Yeah sure. There's not much to do around here and being a spy for my sister's relationship problems seems fun enough."

"Okay what's our cover story?" Mare asked.

"You lost the earring Shade gave you, and you thought it came off in your room so we helped you find it."

"That was quick."

"I'm good a lying on the spot. Who can we tell?"

"As much as I trust them, they would talk to Tyton so not Ella and Rafe." Mare said.

"We shouldn't involve our brothers, Mare." Gisa said.

"Well I'm telling Elane." No one argued.

"Okay so who other than Elane are we telling?"



Silence. No one else had anybody they really wanted to tell.

"Okay. But if you want to tell anyone, you have to ask because there has to be a unanimous front about whether we trust them or not."

"Okay. I'll go get ready to cry in front of Summer's room so she finds me."

"Not right in front. Close enough she can hear, but far enough she thinks you don't want her to. Start crying now so it looks like you've been sad for a while."

Gisa started to try and cry while the rest of us proceeded back to Game Night except Mare and I who would stay back to make sure the story made sense.

And that's how our plan began.

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