Mare POV

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That bolt caught him off guard, so it hit his arm and you could see the lightning rolling through his body. But it soon disappeared, leaving him wrapped in a burning blue inferno. But he was weak, I could see it. I took control of the flames, and turned them into a bubble of lightning around him.

And then a fireball came out of no where and hit my head, but I changed it to sparks before it did any permanent damage. My only thought was of winning, trying to ignore the searing pain on my forehead, and  could see Cal struggling to move, his joints stiff from electrocution. We kept going on like this, a flash of lighting injuring but not immobilizing, a ball of fire injuring but not immobilizing.

We were both so weak. I was burned completely on my left arm, my forehead, my back, and my right foot. It hurt to stand, so bad that every time I tried, white spots appeared in my vision, my head hurt, and everything was blurry. I was almost out of energy so I decided to go for the Grande Finale and call up a storm lightning bolt. But just as I got the lightning bolts crackling and sent one (low voltage) towards the almost immobilized Cal, it was blocked by a green shield.


"How come every time I see you two I have to break up a fight?" He asked.

Neither of us responds, not sure that we can, instead we look up at each other and pass out. The world goes black and everything turns silent.

I wake up from the blackness on a cot next to Cal in what looks to be a hospital, with Wren standing above us. I no longer feel the searing pain of any burns, and my muscles feel strong as ever. I look up at Wren and smile. She smiles back, and then looks at Cal. He is still not awake. My eyes widen, about to ask if he'e okay, when, as if she's a mindreader, Wren says,

"He'll be waking up soon. I treated him second, as your injuries are a lot quicker to heal, less intense and complicated. Just a burn. Not electrocution."

I grin a lopsided grin at her and she shakes her head. I stand up and go to sit on the edge of Cal's bed. He wakes with a jolt, and then realizes where he is and rolls his eyes and laugh. He sticks his hand out and says,

"Good game."

I roll my eyes at his absolute stupidity, but oblige and shake his hand.

Davidson soon comes into the room, and the sight of Cal and me "finally" awake almost makes his mask drop. Almost. Instead he strides into the room, and says,

"Mare Barrow and Tiberias Calore are requested to join Summer Hathaway," Cal tenses at that name for whatever reason, "For an afternoon tea to... chat. In room E7." And with that, he walks out of the door and closes it behind him.

"Who's... Summer Hathaway?"

Cal shudders at the name, and before he can answer, the door opens to reveal Evangeline and Elane, and Evangeline answers,

"Oh, just a girl who hates you because she thinks cal should love her because she's "amazing."" She makes air quotes around the word ' amazing.'

I put two and two together. 

"Is she the girl who is creepily stalking at me and glaring at me every time I see her?"

Elane smiles. "Yup! Now we have to get you looking really nice so she feels bad." I mumble under my breathe about hating makeovers, which I do, and I really hope I don't have to wear a dress.

"It's really warm out so you have two options. A dress or a romper."

"I don't know what a romper is but anything is better than a dress." Evangeline just smiles at that, and I get worried.

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