Tyton POV

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I mean, I could see where Summer was coming from. We break them up, they need someone to turn to, they turn to us, we start dating them. It makes sense in theory, but there's a part of me that knows it will never work. Every single barrier those two have come across they worked through. I mean she killed his brother, and he barely gets mad! Summer has t even told me the plan, only that "it's a good one."

I guess she doesn't really think I'm fully on board yet, which is true. I'm not. It just seems so mean, so underhanded, to break up two people that love each other for selfish reasons. Surely there has to be a better way to get what we want, but as soon as I explained that to her, she shot me down and called me and idiot. She's actually really mean and I really hate her. But she's already threatened to ruin my life if I back out now. I do t know how she plans to do that but she's really manipulative so I do t doubt that she could.

So I'm just waking on my way to breakfast alone after a long night of plotting. I invaded the Game Night with Vampire Diaries in the background. I had absolutely no idea what was happening, I've never seen the show, but there are two of one person, or like identical twins, I don't know it's confusing. But absolutely nothing was mentioned. Each time I asked a question Cal interjected and gave a vague non-answer. I have a feeling he knows something but I don't know what he knows. Then apparently Mare lost her earring and everyone went to her room to find it, leaving only Mare's parents,  her brothers, that Arailia girl, and Elane. It was awkward without the glue people there, so we all just kind of stopped the game and watched the show silently. Eventually people came back and Mare showed up last, triumphant with her earring in her hand, and then Evangeline put it in for her. Since when are they friends? But I had barely any information so I was nervous for the session with Summer after breakfast.

But breakfast took my mind off of it. For one, it was absolutely delicious. And Mare was too obsessed with the food to even look at Cal, which is always a plus. But Evangeline has let Mare dress herself, at least that's what I'm guessing by the sweatpants and loose shirt she was wearing that Evangeline was sneering at. I still think she looked great. Anyway, her eyes were rolling as she ate her cinnamon roll. But when she opened her eyes, she focused on the death glare Summer was giving her. She blinked in surprise, but then gave a sarcastic smile and a sassy little finger wave. Summer rolled her eyes again and looked away only to find my eyes. And my face. Laughing at her.

Uh oh. I was going to feel her wrath for this one. Breakfast did not go on for long enough.  The plan was that I would stop by her room five minutes after breakfast ended. I had five minutes to gather all the information I got, and to come up with an excuse and an apology for why I was laughing. Which won't be easy. She's not the forgiving type.

But by the time I got to her apartment, she was already waiting impatiently, tapping her foot against the ground.

"It's been six minutes. Where were you?"

"On my way here."

"I don't even know why I bother with you."

"Because you need to use me to get close to them."

"No! I don't need anybody! And I certainly don't need you! I don't need you, much less want you! You are only a distraction! So that they won't see what's truly coming."

"What do you mean?"

"You think I'm jealous of Mare? Well, I am. You think it's because of Cal? That's where you're wrong! Sure, he's attractive, but that's all there really is to him. I honestly don't get what Mare sees in him! He's just a ploy. But I am jealous of Mare. Not because of her boyfriend, or her friends, or her family, but because she has so much. Multiple people have found themselves infatuated with her, and she doesn't even try! She just tosses their affection away like it doesn't matter! She's an idiot! She doesn't deserve anything that she gets, she steals it from others! I am sick and tired of it. So yes, we will break them up, but not to get them to ourselves. But to make Mare feel so desperately and utterly alone that she doesn't want to live anymore. That way, it's not murder. It's suicide."

"You want us to drive Mare to suicide?"

"That's exactly what I expect to happen. An i'd you don't help me, and if I find out that you are working against me or not giving your fullest, then I will take every shred of happiness your pathetic half life has ever known and rip it away from you! Do you hear me?"

"Yes. Loud and clear." It's definite, she's crazy.

"Good. Now, just to be clear. This is your role. I have a real secret spy who is closer to them than you. You're just the ploy. I want you to be obvious that you're up to something, but make it seem like you don't want them to know. And if they ask anything about it, deny, deny, deny."

"Okay. Who is the real secret spy?"

"Someone you'd never guess. Someone who doesn't want Mare dead at all, but is very good at responding to threats concerning the people they love."

"You're threatening everyone they care about?"

"I am willing to kill to get what I want, Tyton. Don't go forgetting that. I have a long list of victims. I have no problem adding one more name to that list. Yes I did steal that line from Katherine Pierce. Deal with it. We're good here. You can leave."

So I rushed out of there, and fled to my room. This was not at all what I expected it to be. I need to fix this. But how?

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