The life of a married couple

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It was a bright and early morning, Zashi (Hizashi) was already awake and making breakfast waiting for his husband to wake up.

Sho (Shota) POV
I woke to to sun shining directly in my eye's which I hated so much. I pulled the covers over my head and closed my eye's to try to go back to sleep before I had the chance to my loud ass husband burst throw door "GOOD MORNING MY HANDSOME HUSBAND!!!" He yelled at the top of his lugs. "It is Way to early for screaming Zashi" I said " On come on Sho" The fucking annoying ass love of my life said. I climbed out of bed and followed Zashi to the kitchen and when we were in the kitchen he pulled out a chair for me before he took a seat in the chair in front of me. "So, what do you want to do today?" Zashi asked me "Um, I don't know. What do you want to do?" I replied "How about we go to dinner and a concert how does that sound? There is this famous rock band coming to Hosu city today what do you think?" Zashi said. "I'm sorry Zashi but can we just order pizza and watch Netflix for the whole day?" I asked him "But we always do that." Zashi whined "Please" I begged giving him puppy dog eye's which let him know that I really did not want to go out because I rarely did this. "Ok fine" Zashi said smiling "Thanks" I said with a small smile. We both ate our breakfast in silence and when we both were finished I got up to put the dishes in the sink and Zashi went to get his phone to order pizza for us. After I put the dishes in the sink and waited for Zashi to get off the phone we sat on the couch turned on Netflix and waited for the pizza to arrive.

Zashi POV
Me and Sho talked while we waited for the pizza and after about 20 minutes the pizza arrived. I sat back down on the couch and put the pizza on the coffee table in front of us and opened up the pizza.

Time skip brought to you by a lazy bitch!
After me and Sho watched a couple of movies on Netflix and had finished our pizza we realized that the sun and already gone down and the moon was now out so we decided to cut the TV off and go to bed since we both had to go teach at U.A. tomorrow. Since me and Sho had never took our PJ's off we just slipped in bed. Right after we got in bed I put my arm around Sho's waist "Zashi, what are doing"? Sho asked "I just want to be closer to you" I said "We're married isn't that close enough"? Sho replied "Nope" I said with a smile "whatever" Sho said before falling asleep. I smiled while looking at my sleeping husband 'He's so cute' I thought right before I fell asleep.

A/N sorry this is so short this one chapter took me about 2 or 3 weeks maybe 4 because I'm lazy and kept on putting it off and forgetting about it. Word count 551.

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