Shoto file

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Name: Shoto Todoroki
Age: 7
Quirk: Half-Cold Half-Hot
Mental Illnesses: PTSD
Age when put in system: 6
Back story: Shoto's father Enji Todorki was always overshadowed by All Might and viewed as the Number 2 hero, regardless of his impressive crime solving record. Enji developed an obsession with surpassing All Might, to the point of forcing a Quirk Marriage upon Rei Todoroki in order to conceive a child strong enough to be capable of surpassing All Might. None of Shoto's siblings were able to live up to this standard, and Shoto became known as his masterpiece. When he was five years old, Shoto started to receive training from his father because of his Half-Cold Half-Hot Quirk. However, Endeavor's methods were too harsh, pushing Shoto to the brink of sickness. Rei would try and defend him, but Endeavor would ignore her protests and beat her in front of Shoto. Endeavor also prevented Shoto from interacting with his siblings, who were free from training and allowed to play. During those times, Rei was always there to support him. Despite the abuse she and her son suffered, she still encouraged Shoto to become a hero. However, Rei eventually began to break down under domestic abuse, finding it traumatic to even look at Shoto's left side because it reminded her of Endeavor. One day, Shoto overheard her while she talked with her mother over the phone about recognized that she no longer had the mental stability to raise her son. Startled by his sudden appearance and triggered by his red hair, she snapped and poured a kettle over his head, giving him a severe burn over the left side of his face. Rei realized what she had done and tearfully tried to heal him using her Ice Quirk. After she tried to heal him Enji put her in a mental hospital. After their mother was sent away Toya would always try protect Shoto from their dad. One day their dad had enough of Toya getting in the way and killed him in front of Shoto leaving Shoto scarred for life.

A/N: I'm alive guys sorry for taking so long to update I'll try to do better I promise. But anyway I hope that everyone is doing okay because I'm not I'm so depressed right now.😁

Anyways have a plus ultra day everyone!✌👊

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