Momo file

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Name: Momo Yaoyorozu
Age: 6
Quirk: Creation
Mental Illnesses: OCD and Anxiety
Age when put in system: 6
Back story: Momo parents never cared for her. They would often lock her in the dark basement and leave her there for hours sometimes even days without any food or water. They forced her to be their maid even though they could hire a maid. They always told her that she was doing everything wrong and criticized her for everything which left her with a low self-esteem. Everytime something bad happened they would blame it on her even if she wasn't in the room. Despite them being rich Momo parents never gave her anything. All her clothes were small, dirty, and worn out and they never gave her any real food they would often have feasts and only give Momo the leftovers if there were any. Momo was never allowed to make anything for herself. Her parents would always threaten to beat her and throw her out on the streets if she ever made anything. Of course they knew that she couldn't make anything unless she knew exactly how to make it but the still wanted to scare her. One day while her parents were hosting a party one of the guests accidentally went into the basement while they were looking for the bathroom and once they saw Momo and how terrible she looked they called the police. Once the police arrived they questioned Momo's parents and soon arrested them they then took Momo and put her into foster care.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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