you mind-breaker

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library boy here again! how you been? don't answer that. I've been good as well thanks for asking. my dad got me a breakfast wrap before I came here today so I'm in mighty good mood.

when I saw you walk in and look around, I couldn't help but let out a squeal of joy. your curious mind searching around for me, ugh, my heart flew into a frenzy. enough about me though, your outfit today was very professional, you looked good.

the suit scared me a bit, made you look much more intimidating, but then you smiled at a book and all the fear left my body. Niall walked up to you today, I saw your eyes widen when you saw his name tag and I laughed. I think he was asking if you needed help? I don't know he does that a lot so we get good reviews-.... I probably shouldn't expose my job like that but oh well.

he came back to me and told me about your voice, still upset I couldn't hear it ;-; he told me it was very very deep, deep like the sea, deep like my... emotions. he also said you gave off top vibes, which I'm not complaining about winkity wonkity. he also said you talked slowly, which just makes you even hotter. BUT- it's so hard... hahaha sorry, get it? not the point but, it's so hard to think you're the hottest man in the world, but also the adorablesst. not a word that's how adorable you are.

I saw you stumble on nothing and laugh at yourself after, my eyes started sweating... I saw you look around, you know I saw hehe. but no need to be embarrassed cause I do that all the time, but you just make it seem so sweet and adorable. the thud you heard straight after was me tripping on a book and falling -for you HAH, knee-slapper - because I was distracted by you.

I have never done exercise faster than I did in that moment. I heard you walking towards me so I got up and usain bolted into some random aisle and hoped to dear lord you didn't see me. if you did... yikes. I saw you clean up the scattered books and I almost awed out loud. you're so adorable and kind, it makes my heart warm.

the big buff dude behind you the whole time saw me peeking through the books and we kinda just stared at each other, it was so scary yet awkward. but then we looked back at you when you got up and that's when I made a run for it.

anyways, I needa put this in your coat before you leave so I'm gonna do it now or else I might die of anxiety. the thought of you catching me while placing the note in makes me wanna cry of embarrassment.

good day hot guy! - library Lou

( hint: i have a nametag too ;)

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