HER five senses

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SHE likes the feeling of ice cold water sloshing in an empty stomach. a gallon of ice cold water. SHE likes shaky fingers. SHE likes a dizzy head.

SHE likes the sound of a growling stomach, gurgling for something besides water and sleeping pills. SHE likes slow breathing. SHE likes the sound of i don't need to eat i don't need to eat.

SHE likes the smell of the oven, rich and warm and heavy, the smell of chlorine,

SHE likes the taste of a dry tongue, plastered to the roof of a mouth, SHE likes the flavor of all the things she'll never eat.

SHE likes to see ribs, sharp and angry, desperate to escape the skin. SHE likes neon double digit numbers. SHE likes to see empty, everything always empty

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