⋆Part 16: Screaming and crying⋆

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"Are you that blind?"

1 week later

'Ollie I need to go!' I yell at my little brother as I see him roll around the corner in his wheel chair.

'God can this day get any more boring.' He said and I rolled my eyes. He was fairly annoyed that he had to stay at my place but I don't care. I could keep an eye on him while he is here and the hospital is only 10 minutes away.

'I have to leave, my shift starts in 20 minutes and I need to get some breakfast.' I said as I ran across the room in attempt to find my left shoe. Why do I always make such a mess of my apartment? The wooden floors creaked as Ollie went to the television and pushed the button to turn it on. I looked behind the plant next to the bookcase and found my other shoe.

'How can you live in this mess?' He asked as he took a bite of the breakfast I made for him. God, he could be so spoiled at times.

'I'm just always in a rush and I don't have time to clean up.' I say trying not to get in a fight. I've been on edge the last week because of everything that has been going on. My mom has been pushing me all week to let him stay with them and she has asked so, many, questions about John. It was kind of relief when they left.

'I'll clean up while you're gone. I feel useless.' He said and I smiled. He's been complaining all week.

'That would be great.' I told him as I quickly grabbed my backpack. 'Oh and John called yesterday.' Ollie said out of the blue.

'Really?' I said a bit too excited and I quickly coughed to make it look more casual. 'I mean, What did he say?' I continued and Ollie broke out laughing. 'What?' I asked confused.

'You're so into him.' He said while trying to contain his laughter.

'I don't have time for this.' I told him. 'Is he your boyfriend?!' He yelled excited.

'That's none of your business. What did he say?' I huffed trying to change to subject.

'Benton was mad at you or something. I don't know.' He mumbled while mindlessly looking at the television.

'Great..When isn't he mad at me that son of a.' I mumbled. 'What was that?' Ollie said and I put on my coat. 'Nothing, I'm leaving.' I said as I gave him a kiss on his forehead. 'Bye sis.' He said as I closed the door behind me.


I closed my locker and quickly went to the front desk to see which patient I could see. 'Whatcha got Jerry?' I asked as he handed me chart.

'Fifty year old woman complaining of back pain.' He said and I nodded. 'Thanks.' I said as I walked to curtain two.

'Good morning. Hi, Haleh.' I said to the both of them. 'Hey, why so cheery?' Haleh asked as I sat down.

'Why wouldn't I be?' I asked confused. 'Wasn't your evaluation today?' She asked.

Shit... 'I completely forgot.' I said. Was that why Benton was mad at me? Maybe I'm not good enough for medicine and he failed me... I can't, how will I pay my rent? I pushed my thoughts away and quickly focused on my patient.

'You were complaining of back pain?' I asked and she nodded. I can't move back to Boston. I won't, I love it here. 'I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name.' She said

'Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm doctor Brooke.' I said completely distracted. 'Well I'm not a doctor yet.' I continued, and I never will be, my subconscious reminded me. That's why John called, he wanted to warn me.

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