Chapter 4

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After Boreas was sure he had adequately booby-trapped the door to my room, we left and started to explore the beautiful capital of Crysalis. Since Sor'Cana was more or less a major stronghold for the UTF, it wasn't in our best interest to wear our armor. As much as I wanted to hide behind my helmet, I couldn't do that.

Exiting the rather-luxurious hotel, my crew and I shaded our eyes when the sun's rays blinded us.

"Ow..." Alex grumbled, "This planet's too frickin' bright..."

"Tell me about it..." Boreas replied, "Alright kiddies, I suggest we split up. Cylus, I know you'll go with your girlfriend, so I'll take Alex with me."

"You'll 'take' me with you?" the kid echoed, irritation apparent in his voice, "The fuck am I? A suitcase?"

"If I had the opportunity, I would've left you at the fucking spaceport if you were a suitcase!" Boreas snapped back.

"Okay, dial it down," I began in a semi-reasonable voice, "We'll look around as a group. I don't want us splitting up."

"Aye-aye capt'n." Boreas grumbled, only to scowl when Alex kicked his shin.

After that miniature outburst, we started exploring: Thankfully, we entered a section of the city that had more landmass than bridges, so that meant we were able to walk past more businesses. In turn, that meant we could talk to more people.

Finding one such person, a regular citizen by the looks of it, I decided to approach them and ask a simple question.

"Pardon me, but can you tell me anything about the Baron of Sor'Cana?"

The other person, a female, could only shake her head in response. Before I could ask anything else, she had left me in the dust.

Well, shit. I thought to myself. That didn't go as planned...

I found another person, a man in a suit, and decided to ask him the same question.

"It would be in your best interest to avoid Baron Halford," was the only thing he offered before walking off.


And so I spent the two hours attempting to talk to the people around me. Hell, I even found a Cysalion, which was a feat in of itself. Since most of Crysalis was nothing but one large ocean, a Crysalion was built to live underwater. The one standing before me was tall, lightly muscled, and confined to a full-body suit filled with salt water. Through the visor, I could see two large, unblinking black eyes. From what I could see, its scales were a pale hue of blue. All around, it was fish-like in appearance.

"Can I help you?" The Crysalion prompted me in a kindly voice.

"Forgive me, but I was just wondering if you could tell me anything about Baron Halford?"

It sighed and shook its head. "The Baron does not care for my people. We have tried to be reasonable with him, but he ignores our pleas. Regardless of your reasons for being here, please avoid him. You will probably live longer by doing that. Terribly sorry, but I must be on my way."

Before I knew it, the Crysalion walked off.

I scowled, but forced myself to remain calm. Damn it all to hell...I've wasted two hours running around in circles. Since everyone was located in the same area I was in, it was fairly easy to find the rest of my crew.

"Got anything, pardner?" Boreas asked me.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Anyone I spoke to told me to avoid the Baron at all costs. I even managed to talk to a Crysalion, and the damn fish told me the exact same thing!"

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