Chapter 8

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Everyone transitioned from the ballroom to an immense feasting hall. A long glass and steel table ran along the center of the room, and food was already being laid out for people.

"I would like the Duke and Duchess of Icharas to sit close to the head of the table please," Halford boomed.

With no other choice, we did as the Baron asked and sat close to him. After everyone was settled down, the feast began. Everyone ate their food with grace and elegance...And I had to hold myself back so I didn't devour the main entrée.

Alannah noticed me struggling and laughed to herself. "You got a little something on your cheek," she pointed out, dabbing at my face with a cloth napkin, "Savor your food, my love."

"I am savoring it," I countered, feeling a crimson blush on my cheeks, " higher speeds."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you eat your meals near the speed of light," she mused, continuing to chuckle under her breath.

I rolled my eyes, only to feel the heavy gaze of someone nearby settle on me like a deadweight. I turned my head slightly to notice Baron Halford glaring at me. Please don't tell me this bastard is used to getting whatever he wants on a whim...Cause if he is, we're going to have a fucking problem.

Ignoring the bastard, I enjoyed dinner with Alannah: while we did restrain ourselves from devouring our food, we still goofed around a little.

"How did you get sauce on your nose?" she demanded. I averted my gaze and whistled innocently while she huffed, "Don't leave it, silly. Clean off your face before I do it for you."

I chuckled and grabbed my napkin. Cleaning off my nose, I flashed her an innocent grin. "Better?"

The fire in her eyes made me squirm in my seat. "Just perfect."

The feast continued for another hour before people started to disperse. Just when I thought Alannah and I could get away and figure out what we'd be doing from here, the Baron decided to throw us a curveball.

"Please, come with me my friends," he called, beckoning for us to follow him, "I wish to discuss some matters with you."

I didn't spare a glance at Alannah, but it was safe to assume she was thrown off guard as well.

"Very well," I replied, "Lead the way."

And so we followed the Baron back into the great hall and were led away from everyone else when we entered a smaller hallway. Passing by beautiful paintings and suits of old-age armor, I realized just how posh this twat was. He lives in an old age palace of marble and stone, he collects old antiques, and he surrounds himself with old people. How predictable.

We stopped before an immaculate dark wooden door, which the Baron opened.

"Please, enter," he ordered us in a cold voice. His sudden shift in tone and mood rose a red flag. So...This is the Baron's true face?

We entered a large office and sat before a wooden desk. Andross entered after us and closed the door. I instantly realized that there were three wine glasses sitting on the desktop before us. Quickly, I removed the aconite vial from my coat pocket while the Baron was still behind us. 

"So," he began curtly, passing by us and sitting down on the other side of the desk, "I've brought you in here because I want to know where you stand. Icharas has constantly claimed neutrality throughout the years, but I invited you both here to change that. I need to know you're on the UTF's side in the greater scheme of things."

Catching on to the game he was playing, I decided to play along: "We are still undecided, Baron Halford. You cannot bring us here and flatter us with pleasantries and genial acts, only to strong arm us into taking your side. Icharas wishes to seek the peaceful path, not the one wrought with blood."

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