Chapter 48

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We spent about twenty minutes flying through the floating city of Versalio: all the while, four dreadknights had surrounded my shuttle in a diamond formation. This meant there was nothing I could do other than fly the old vessel through the shifting platforms and avoiding the crafts that flew around us.

"God, I don't miss this city one bit," Alannah murmured as she settled back down into her seat, "It's too fucking bright..."

"No kidding," Jackson replied, "That's not even taking into account the corrupt government that calls this planet home."

"Yeah, that too," she agreed.

Before we knew it, we had entered one of the military districts of the planet. Judging by the amount of military crafts that flew past us, I had a feeling we just flew into the most dangerous district of Versalio.

"Yep, we're definitely in the main sector," Jackson mused to himself, "We should get a visual on the Federation's Capital building soon enough. That's where the Grand Chancellor's offices are located."

Sure enough, we caught sight of our destination several moments later. Holy shit... I found myself thinking. This is what I get for keeping my expectations low.

Instead of just a small building hovering before us, an imposing platform loomed before us. On top of it sat a vast building reminiscent of the olden times when governments had a building for its parliament to amass in. Only, this one didn't house a parliament.

It's housing a snake by the name of Antonin Djarek.

Even though this  capital building would've made the ancient Greeks proud, it was built with modernity in mind: built into the pillared and expertly-crafted building was a hanger for ships to enter and leave as they please. Given the fact this building continued on for about two or three floors, it wasn't a pushover. It was more like an insult to the golden mean.

"Wow..." Boreas mused, stepping between the two pilot's seats to get a better look, "If I didn't decide to pursue a career as a hacker, I definitely would've looked into being an architect."

"You? An architect?" Alannah echoed, laughing to herself, "Have you finally gone crazy?"

"No, I haven't. I have extensive knowledge of security systems and how to break them down, but the exterior of a building is just as sexy as its innards."

"You're a dork," she replied, "Janet thinks your nerdy talks are a turn on, doesn't she?"

"Yes she does," he said, pride evident in his voice, "Hey, you and Cylus get turned on by beautiful weapons, so don't shame me."

"We weren't going to," I began, only to grow silent when our shuttle entered the hanger, "Cut the chatter."

In the drop of a pin, everyone grew silent. the instant our vessel touched down, one of the Dreadknight pilots spoke through our comms. "Stay in your shuttle until we board."

"Understood. We're going to wake up Dr. Jakobs," Boreas replied, "We'll wait for your crew."

After that, he stepped back and beckoned for us to follow. Everyone stood up and followed our friendly neighborhood hacker into the cargo bay of our shuttle.

Alannah clapped her hands together in jubilance, "Ah, this is invigorating."

"Don't wet yourself, Ali," Boreas rebutted, "Are the explosives set?"

"Of course they are," she snapped, "The charges are hiding in one of these boxes."

"Alright, great," he breathed, only to grow silent when the back hatch of the shuttle opened. Thundering steps could be heard, so my crew made an effort to hide.

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