Chapter 16

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We continued to explore the spotless level we were on until we found a door. Opening it, it appeared as if we had found a maintenance room. At first, I thought it was for the various ships docked in the station. However, I quickly realized that was not the case for several reasons. The various tools I spotted were what made me come to my original conclusion. However...

"Um...Something tells me this room is not meant for repairs..." Boreas mused, studying the large table set against the back wall of the room where a dismembered corpse was laying in...several pieces. What made me gag were the trunks full of...body parts: arms legs, torsos...All were arranged neatly in their containers, and the floor was disturbingly clear of gore.

This was no maintenance room.

"This is a fucking disposal area," Boreas hissed, backing out of the room, "Guess this is where Muspelle's failed experiments go..."

Swallowing the bile that threatened to overcome me, I grabbed Alannah's hand and led her away.

"This will be haunting my fucking dreams for days to come..." she hissed, staying close to me when we had walked back into the main hallway, "This is so not cool..."

I rubbed the small of her back and attempted to comfort the distressed gunsmith. "I'm sorry, mijn sintel. Let's focus on exploring this station. Boreas, can we use that console back in the hanger to access the mainframe?"

He shook his head. "Unfortunately, I can't. It only controls the hanger door. I'd waste my time working with it, so our best bet is to find an elevator and get to another level. I doubt we'll find a computer terminal on this floor, so let's not waste our time."

I nodded as we got moving. "One of our objectives should be to find where Muspelle keeps his...Test subjects. We can't leave them here."

"Agreed. We'll find them in due time. First, we have to mow down the Albtraum Soldats before they fuck us over," Boreas continued, "For now, let's keep quiet. Muspelle is listening to us right now, and I don't want him knowing our every plan."

"I wish I had people as capable as you four," Muspelle mused as muffled screeches could be heard, "It's a shame I have to kill you all. Perhaps your corpses will make for sophisticated vessels."

I rolled my eyes and held my combat rifle at the ready. "Boreas, stand by me. Alex, Ali: watch our asses."

We waited for several tense moments before the first nightmarish soldiers appeared. They charged at us with blades built into their arms and gun barrels in place of their hands. Thankfully, we were prepared: Boreas tased the Soldats he had a sight on while I aimed for kneecaps and started blasting away. When our enemies got too close for comfort, I dropped Sintel, drew my handgun, and deployed my hidden blade. From what I could tell, these soldiers were more advanced: they seemed more able to avoid my attacks and lash back with unbridled ferocity. 

Four Soldats engaged me and Boreas, and four Soldats were struck down with righteous fury. I had sustained several wounds on my person, but I ignored them: I was more than a little enraged, so I fought on until we were done.

"F-Fuck," Boreas hissed, lowering his taser, "These bastards are not fucking around."

"No, no they're not," I growled, holstering my handgun and bending over to pick up my rifle, "We need to keep moving. They should've used an elevator to get down here, so let's see if we can find it."

"Umm...Mate? You're bleeding."

"That's not important right now," I told him, "Time is of the essence."


"No buts."

Alannah and Alexander had mopped the floor with their quarry as well, but I could tell they were put through the wringer. Seeing the wounds on my girlfriend made my jaw feather.

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