ep 1: the new girl

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"Alright class, settle down!" The teacher yelled as his students were talking and laughing.

"Hey guys! Mr. Kim is trying to talk, be quiet.." the class president says while seating back in his seat

"Thank you Seungyoun." Mr. Kim nods. "Class, we have a new student that is from the U.S. Come on in.." the teacher demands as he waves his hand for the mystery student standing outside the door to come in.

The student slowly walks in and stands next to the teacher, facing towards the students.

"WOW, she's pretty!" some of the male students yelled, clapping their hands.

"Quiet!" the teacher yelled, scolding the male students.

"Hello, I'm Maya from the United States. I hope we can all become clo-" Maya stopped her sentence as she made eye contact with a certain student. "Oh? It's you, pervert." Seungwoo's eyes widen from the nickname.

"Hey! Don't call me that!!" Seungwoo exclaimed as the class started to gasp and whispered to each other.

1 week ago

Maya had just finished unpacking all stuff in her room and the last task of the day was to do the laundry. She put her dirty garments in a laundry basket and carried them out the door. As she was walking out, her next door neighbor was walking out too.

"Oh, Wooya, you're doing laundry too??" Maya asked as she looked at his laundry basket. They've only know each other for 2 weeks and she already has a nickname for him.

Seungwoo nodded as he looked down at her laundry basket, looking back at her after. "Yeah, I do this every Saturday."

"Well I guess we're going together then friend, let's go." Maya said as she begins to walk to the Communal Laundromat. Seungwoo nods and follows behind her.

At the laundromat

"So Maya, has your mother enrolled you in school yet?" Seungwoo asked Maya while throwing his clothes into the washing machine.

"Yes, she did. I'm starting next week! I can't wait!" Maya said with excitement as she grabbed Seungwoo's arm. "We can study together, eat lunch together, go to the arcade after sch-"

"Hey, who said I want to be seen with you at school?" Seungwoo joked as Maya hit his arm playfully.

An hour passed and the clothes were in the dryer.

"I'm thirsty, I'm going to go get something to drink at the convenient store. You want something?" Maya asks as she picks up her wallet out of her empty laundry basket.

"I'll take a coffee." Seungwoo replies. Maya nods and walks out of the laundromat.

The clothes are done drying and Seungwoo opens up the dryer door, putting his clean clothes into his laundry basket. While piling the clothes into the basket he notices and unfamiliar clothing and picks it up with both hands. It was a pink polka dotted underwear.

Maya walks back into laundromat and freezes at the scene. "Wooya! What are you doing with my underwear?!!" Maya shouts as she charges towards Seungwoo, snatching the underwear out of his hand. "Pervert..." she says in embarrassment.

"No, no! I grabbed the wrong laundry. I'm sorry, I really didn't kno-"

Maya cut off Seungwoo. "Wooya I'm so disappointed. I would've never thought you were a pervert." Maya teased.

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