ep 2: she fell in love with a stranger

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Seungyoun and Seungwoo stared at Maya in confusion as she was daydreaming with hearts in her eyes.

"She's been doing that ever since she came back from the student store...." Seungyoun said to Seungwoo.

Maya started hum a random melody and looked down at the packaged sweet bread in her hand. She giggled and kissed the sweet bread.

"I understand she loves food but I didn't think that much." Seungwoo said, making Seungyoun laugh.

Seungyoun continues to stare at her in curiosity, resting his arm on her desk.

"So are you going to keep daydreaming and humming like an idiot or are you going to tell us what happened?"

Maya stopped daydreaming and glared at Seungwoo's remark. "Be quiet, I'm in love..."

"IN LOVE???!" The two boys yelled out at the same time.

Exactly 15 minutes ago

Maya was hungry as always and went to the student store to get her favorite snack, sweet bread and a chocolate milk. She grabbed the chocolate milk from the refrigerator and brought it to the counter to pay and she noticed that the basket at the counter that was usually filled with sweet bread was empty.

"Excuse me sir, is there any more sweet bread?" She asked the cashier.

"Sorry Maya, that student over there took the last one." He replied as he pointed at the students direction.

She turned around and her world became in slow motion as she make eye contact with the student. He was tall, handsome with tan skin and deep brown eyes. The student walked towards her and hands her the sweet bread. "Here, you can have it. I see you buy this a lot, so take it."

Maya didn't react and stood there frozen in awe. The student softly grabbed her hand and put the sweet bread in her hand, closing it after. "Here, I have to go back to class. You owe me one....Maya." he said as he read her name tag.


"So you're telling me...A guy gave you a sweet bread and now you're in love?" Seungwoo asked in confusion.

"Guys, he knew my name and that I like sweet bread. Isn't that fate??" She asked giggling.

"Maya, do you even know his name?" Seungyoun questioned.

She froze up, realizing that she didn't get his name. "Uhm..uhhhh Kim Min- Guys, I can't remember! What am I going to do??!" Maya whined as she continuously bangs her head on the desk.

"Maya, stop it before you hurt yourself." Seungyoun demanded as he grabbed her head to stop her.

Seungwoo grabbed the sweet bread out of her hand and opened it up, taking a bite out of the bread after.

"WOOYA! Noooo!" She screamed and snatched the bread out his hand.

"What?! It's not like you were going to eat it anyways!" Seungwoo shouted at Maya.

After School

Seungwoo promised to buy Maya a coffee since he ate her sweet bread so they trio went to the Coffee Shop that was near their condo. Just as they're walking in, Maya sees the cashier and immediately walks out, grabbing the both of the boys' hand.

"What's wrong Maya?" Seungyoun asked.

"I-it's him...my sweet bread guy.." she said nervously.

Seungwoo walks up to the window, looking at the cashier. "Ehh?! Kim Mingyu?! He's your crush??"

Maya turns to Seungwoo with wide eyes. "You know him??"

"Yes, we're on the same baseball team."

She started to fix her hair and pulls out a lip tint from her backpack, applying some to her lips. "Do I look pretty?"

Seungyoun stood in front of Maya, grabbing her shoulders. "Maya, you're always pretty, you don't ever have to ask that."

His compliment made her heart flutter.

"Thanks Seungyoun, you're the sweetest." She said as she gave him a hug.

The hug caught him by surprise at first but he hugged her back, smiling.

Seungwoo rolled his eyes at the two. "So are we going to get coffee or?"

"Right..." Maya said, letting go of Seungyoun. "Let's go guys! I have someone to impress.." Maya flipped her hair before walking in with confidence.

The confidence dropped as the cashier made eye contact with her. "Oh? Maya, we meet again. I guess it was fate." the cashier said smiling at her.

Maya stood there frozen with a smile on her face.

Mingyu tilted his head at her reaction and looked over at Seungwoo. "Is she always like this?"

"Eh no, this is new to us as well..." he replied.

After having their coffee they started heading home. Maya walked in front the two boys, humming and skipping around.

"I don't understand why you're so happy, you didn't say a word to him." Maya ignored Seungwoo's comment and continued to hum. "He said it was fate!"

Maya was so deep in lalaland that she didn't realize that crosswalk was flashing red hand and was still skipping. Seungwoo quickly grabbed her arm, pulling her towards his chest with his free hand wrapped around her waist. "Dummy, there're cars coming! Pay attention!" He shouted, looking down at her angrily.

Everything became in slow motion for her again. She looked up at Seungwoo, staring at his lips then back up at his eyes. Her heart rate started to increase. This moment reminded her of the time he told her that she doesn't have to be happy all the time and it's okay to cry.

"Maya, are you listening to me??" Seungwoo asked her but didn't get a reply. He leaned close to her face, they're lips only a few inches away from each other. "Maya??"

Her eyes widen from how close they were and hiccups. Seungwoo lets go of her and flicks her forehead. "Ow! That hurts!" Maya yells at Seungwoo, rubbing her forehead.

"What's gotten into you Maya?" Seungwoo asked concerned.

"N-nothing! Come on Seungyoun." She said, holding Seungyoun's arm who watched the whole thing in jealousy. The two walked off to the crosswalk, leaving Seungwoo behind.

"Guys wait for me!" Seungwoo shouted as he started to jog to catch up to them.

At the Condominium

Seungyoun left first and the other two walked together in silence. Maya avoided looking at Seungwoo's direction and Seungwoo didn't pay attention to the way she was acting.

"Do you want to come over and eat ramen?" Seungwoo asked, knowing that she'd be hungry.

"N-no, I'm actually not hungry see you tomorrow."
Maya quickly typed in her keycode and walked in her home, resting her back against the door as she closed it. Her heart rate started to increase again as she remembered what happened back at the crosswalk.

"Get ahold of yourself Maya! He's your best friend!" She said to herself as she slapped herself.

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