My Mate

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Yeahh!! new story!! 

you guys know what to do ;)


Cass' POV

Everyone rushed around me in a hurry. Well, I shouldn't say everyone, only the 16 year old were-girls who were pretty frightening when you mentioned the word mate. Which is exactly what everyone is getting tonight, well that and a very painful first shift. All of our packs eligible 18 year old males were shifted and ready to pounce in the woods. They let us know we were taking too long by the impatient howls that rang out every few seconds. Every time I heard a howl, it sent a thrill up and down my arm; one of those belongs to my mate.

What exactly were they howling for? For us girls to come out and run so they could chase their mates. Tonight was a special night where not only do the 16 year old girls find there mates an shift for the first time; but it's also when any male shifter can challenge the alpha for the position.

"Hey Cass, do you think this wrap makes my butt look big?" my best friend, Naomi, asked me. We were all given a wrap made of shifter skin at the beginning of the night. Don't ask me why it has to be made out of shifter skin, some reason that's the only way we can keep clothes when we shift. Weird, I know.

"Yeah it does." 

"Good" she smiled," Tonight is going to be amazing!!" 

We stood side by side In my full length mirror for any last minute fixes. Naomi and I were two very different girls; where I was on the short chubby side with messy fire red hair, crazy green eyes, and too many unattractive freckles. Naomi was an exotic curvy beauty with chocolate skin and wavy mocha hair with royal blue piercing eyes. 

"You look beautiful Cass, let's go find our lovers!" Naomi said with her endless energy she always had. As we were walking out I accidentally bumped into Laina, the bitch of the mate less girls. 

"Watch where your going, fatty" she said instantly igniting my old fears of not having a mate because of my mate. I wasn't that big, it was only cause my parents wee big boned warriors and they passed it on to me. Plus it didn't help that I was  the only girl fighter in the pack that could hold her own in an outnumbered fight. 

"Laina go die in a hole, alone, cause no ones going to want you as a mate, I can almost guarantee it." Naomi said glaring at her.

Laina simply huffed and replied," Whatever, I don't need a couple of losers to tell me what I already know. Tonight I'm going to find my mate and he's going to win the alpha contest, soon you guys will have to submit and acknowledge I'm superior to you" she finished with a smirk and turned and went out to the ceremonial grounds where we will all gather after finding our mates and the bloody alpha battles will begin. As Naomi and I approached the edge of the woods, where out mates were waiting, the atmosphere suddenly tensed and an exited buzz went throughout the air as our alpha female talked. 

"Ladies I hope your ready! Listen this is very important that you find your mate before midnight. If you dot has him to sooth the pain and guide you bad things will happen." she stepped to the side to give us full access to he forest  "Good luck girls" she whispered and then howled, starting the chase, which was followed by our eager mates howls. Naomi grabbed my hand and pulled me through the forest. She kept tugging me until she froze, making me bump I to her.

"Naomi are you okay?" I whispered pulling her close in case of danger. Which was a bad move I concluded as I heard a possessive growl that rang out clearly. 

Naomi had found her mate. 

I could feel her cheeks heat up instantly when she came to the same thought i had. I let myself out of her sudden death grip and whispered,"Go, he's waiting for you. Dont worry you'll be fine."

I turned and left her, if she had her mate she would be safe, and shift just fine without me. I wandered about the forest coming upon a small stream that was illuminated by the moon. It was beautiful, the perfect place to find my mate and shift. I snapped out of my daze when i heard a twig snap and realized that this was the edge of our territory; the other side was our rival pack. 

I turned carefully, so as not to draw attention to myself and started to run away back into the safety of our forest. Before I could reach it though a huge furry weight knock me down, I twisted so my back caught the impact but I still had the breath kick out of me. I closed my eyes waiting for death to come quick and painless. When instead I got a lick on my face, I realized this wolf didn't mean any harm. My eyes snapped open.

 Again, my breath was knocked out of me, only this time it was because I was staring into the most beautiful stormy gray eyes I have ever seen. My world instantly cut away.

All that mattered was this glorious male wolf whose face was inches from mine. This magnificent black beast with grey eyes that were looking into my eyes with love. My mate, i thought, but what was he doing on his enemy's (my) land? How could this happen? I could smell the power he exuded was evident, he was someone important. Who was he?

Just as more questions went through my mind my mate got off of me, probably seeing how hard it was for me to breathe with a massive wolf on my lungs, and started shifting. 

I wonder what he'll look like in his human mate...


So let me know what you think!!

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