Chapter 8: Stopping Grandmaster Meio! Retriving The Power Stone

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(A/N: There are new villains in this chapter. So, keep a look out.)

At the Knowmoon Watchtower...

Thanos: *voiceover* "The Stone of Power lies at the heart of the space station Knowmoon."

In a hidden control room, the team of Captain Marvel, Rocket, Groot, X, Nova, Hiryu and Gamora were with Sub-Zero, Kitana, Jade, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Starfire and Catwoman.

Captain Marvel: "We've been able to identify its precise location -- here, within the station's Gravitron Core."

Nova: "Knowmoon's defenses won't be easily breached. We'll need a diversion."

Catwoman: "What kind of a diversion, darling?"

Nova: "Um... *shrugs* I don't know. Anything, I guess."

Rocket: *taps X's arm* "So do you take, like, regular batteries?"

Mega Man X: "Shh."

Strider: "And what of Grandmaster Meio?"

Wonder Woman: "Engage him only as a resort. Our priority is that Stone -- understood?" *Hiryu acknowledged much to his dismay*

Rocket: *taps X's arm* "Looks like it could really do some damage. What's the biggest thing you ever killed with that bad boy?"

Groot: "to Rocket* "I am Groot."

Rocket: "What? I'm curious."

Starfire: "Friend Rocket! Are you listening?"

Rocket: "Yeah, yeah -- crash Knowmoon, find the core, nab the Power Stone -- BOOM! Home in time for cocktails."

Green Lantern: "Huh! That's actually pretty good."

Gamora: *see's Strider preparing to leave* "Going somewhere?"

Strider: "I'm going after the Grandmaster."

Kitana: "By yourself? The Cyber Lin Kuei are guarding him. You can't take them all alone."

Gamora: "Which is why you, me and Jade will be aiding with Strider."

Jade: "Fine by me."

Strider: "Major Danvers! *Capt. Marvel and Nova looks at him* You'll have your diversion -- make it count." *uses his varja to wrap himself, Gamora, Kitana and Jade away*

Nova: "No, wait!"

Captain Marvel: "Ninjas."

On the main platform of Knowmoon, the four assassins appeared and swiftly killed The Cyber Lin Kuei minions.

Jade: "This man -- Grandmaster Meio -- who is he to you?"

Strider: "He is no man, he is the Lord of Darkness-- capable of corrupting life itself, reshaping it to his own twisted desire."

Kitana: "It seems you know him well."

Strider: "I have thought the Grandmaster for a thousand years, dying a thousand deaths, as if my fate is forever bound to his."

Gamora: "But this time you will not face him alone."

Then they heard walking nearby as the assassins turns around and see's Black Adam approaching.

Black Adam: "The Grandmaster has assigned me to kill Strider and his foolish friends. But this is far more interesting."

Kitana: *looks at Hiryu and Gamora* "Go on. Me and Jade will take care of him."

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