Chapter IV

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        You wake up in a dark room, a small light, emitting from above a few feet ahead of you. You stand up, looking around, in search of anything that can give you any hint as to where you are. However, everywhere you look you only see darkness. A voice echoes in your head, different this time from the voice you heard before  "You escaped (Y/N)".  A sudden glimpse of the rope stealing your breath from you runs across your memory. You fall from your standing position to your knees. I'm dead. I killed myself. I left Mom, Dad, Owen... The voice in your head answers your thoughts "This is true, but now you can get revenge, don't you want to destroy their lives for destroying yours? Don't you want them to suffer as you did?"  A smile crept onto your face as you stared into the endless darkness. Answering the voice out loud this time you spoke, "I want them to feel the pain I felt" A small chuckle escaping your lips, the sound as deranged as the thoughts of their lifeless bodies lying in a pool of their own blood. 
        The voice chuckled lightly and you began to feel a tingling all over your body. As you looked at your skin you noticed it became far paler than your (S/C) skin had once been. Your vision darkened for a few moments and when it came back you were standing in the woods, only a few yards from the clearing that connected to (Town). A devious smile fell across your face and only widened when you looked down to find a knife lying on the ground by your feet. You didn't quite understand how the voice in your head had brought you back from the dead and had given you a weapon to finish what Brayden and Lucas had started, however you tried not to question it and tried to focus on your plan to seek your revenge. 
        Wandering into (Town) you made an attempt to avoid the street lights that illuminated the neighborhood. The voice in your head encouraging you as you walked. In no time you approached Lucas's house. He had forced himself onto you first and you were going to torture him first. You surveyed the lower floor of the house until you decided the coast was clear and you found a window that had been foolishly unlatched. Climbing in slowly you felt excitement growing within you, you noticed however your heart wasn't beating as fast as it normally would have, in fact. It wasn't beating at all. Adding this to the list of questions to ask the voice, you continued on, climbing the stairs slowly as to not make any noise. 
        Slowly and quietly pushing the bedroom door open you see Lucas lying in bed sound asleep, his face illuminated by the soft glow of the television. You slowly crawl onto the bed, sitting gently next to him. He notices your presence and slowly stirs awake. He looks up to you with a look of confusion spread across his face. He mumbles, mostly to himself "Oh.. I'm dreaming". You smile down at him, playing along. "Just a bad dream" you stare at each other for a moment when a murderous smile spreads across your face. "Would you like to play a game?" (Very saw-esque, I know) He sits up, humoring you, still believing this is all a dream.
        "Sure, What kind of game?" Your smile falters a little, trying on more of a genuine smile. "Just a question game, you win by answering all the questions" He smiles and nods in your direction as if to tell you to go on. "First question: What were you thinking the night you raped me?" your smile remained, however appearing far more forced than it previously had. "I wouldn't exactly call it rape" His smile grows "You had to have enjoyed it, every girl before you had. But Brayden and I were sick of watching Owen of all people, getting to screw the hottest piece of ass in the whole school" The honesty radiating out of his voice made you sick. The pounding in your head grew, how dare he speak about Owen like that, they were supposed to be friends. You grit your teeth, losing patience, you wanted to make this fun but the more he spoke the more you just wanted to silence him forever "Question two: Do you feel any guilt at all?" He appeared to be deep in thought. "Why would I feel guilty? I gave you the best night of your life." The smile dropped completely from your face.
         "Last question: How do you think it feels to die? For me it was a joyful panic of feeling all the air leave my lungs" You grin "Would you like to experience how death feels?" his expression showed how you had caught him off guard "What are you talking ab-" You cut him off shoving his blanket in his mouth as a gag and stabbing him in the eye. Your patience was gone. He had enjoyed everything he had done to you. Pulling your knife out of his head you stabbed multiple holes into his torso watching the red liquid seeping out of his body. You look up to his eye(s) watching the life drain out of them. A crazed smile appeared on your face as you took the liberty of using his blood as paint. Writing across his bedroom wall "I robbed (Y/F/N) of her safety, so she robbed me of my life". 
        You couldn't waste any more time. The blood lust surrounded your every thought. You ran out of the house, not caring about the noise you were making, running down the street to find Brayden's house. As you approached the house you try to calm down as to not get caught. Finding the backdoor foolishly unlocked this time you walk into the hallway to find Brayden's room. You walk in to see him sound asleep, wasting no time you turn to lock his door and crawl onto the bed, straddling him and wasting no time plunging your knife into his chest. Not even concerning yourself with the screams coming out of his mouth. "Rot in hell" you mutter to his dead body writing "me too" in a rushed manner on his wall and jumping out his bedroom window, hearing sirens as his parents most likely called the police. Sprinting full force into the woods the voice in your head starts to speak, but it is cut off however by the sound of static ringing in your ears as you blackout.

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