Chapter 11

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The sun was shining and it felt warm on my face. The spring time air was swirling around me bringing me the sweet scents. The collar wasn't bad it defiantly could be worse. My hand rose to my neck. Master was very careful when securing the collar. The way his fingers brushed against my thought stopped. There is no way I could continue that thought. Not with Master. I am meant to only be with another human to make offspring. I felt Master's eyes on me.

"This is a beautiful garden. I haven't seen a garden in many years." My hand was now grazing the many flowers we walked by.

"You can come out here and enjoy them anytime. Just make sure your collar is on." I nod. "I do not want harm to come to you. There's a tree over there, we can sit beneath it if you would like."

My eyes brightened as the tree came into view. I looked at Master and then took off running towards it. It felt good to run because I wanted to, not because I needed to. I'm going to beat Master to the tree! I look back to see how far he is behind me but he's gone. Before I could worry I end up running smack dab into his chest. I start to fall backwards but Master grabbed my wrist.

"Skylar that was very naughty. Why shouldn't I punish you?" his face was inches from mine.

"I-I'm sorry master" I stammered "I was only having some fun."

His face relaxed a little. This vampire is super hard to read.

"Be careful Sky, if people saw my pet running amuck, it would not bode well for you." He let my wrist go. "Besides, did you really think you could beat me? I, Zander Hoffman in a foot race against a mere human?" He winked as pulled me to the base of the tree.

"I didn't think about it." I gasped becoming aware of how close we were. I separated myself from him by a few inches. "Even though most of the Sirs that came to me were vampires they never used their abilities on me." Master's eyes darkened a little

"Sky, how long did you work there?" I could tell he was curious but didn't want to be intrusive.

"I worked there for about six years. When I was younger I would be beaten for not following instructions or doing what I was told. I only served the Sirs for two years." my voice trailed off. The two worst years of my life. Being used as a plaything for the many random men. Some however became regulars. Like the Sir that was there on the night I fled.

"Here you can visit the garden, the library, the kitchen, anywhere within the grounds. You will only have to serve me. How do you feel about that?"

My heart rate increased. "Well if it's anything like this morning I think I may actually enjoy it" my face blushed at my honesty. Stupid Skylar!!!! I shouldn't have said that. 

HIs face was inches from mine again. "It can be much more" he growled. This time however, the growl didn't scare me. The same sensation from earlier began to blossom from between my legs. Master smiled as though he could tell his words stirred something within me.  

Without warning, he became very tense.

"What is it Mas.." Master put a finger to his mouth.

"Shh. Someone is coming..." he whispered softly.

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