Chapter 20

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I watched as Master walk away from the table with Milo. I soon lost them in the crowd of people.

"It'll be okay Sky" Kristoff laid his hand on top mine.

"You're right, thank you." I took a slow sip of my drink. It tasted bitter. "How long have you been with Milo?" I asked remembering the conversation over dinner.

"About five years. He rescued me from a pet shop. It was horrid conditions. I was starving and had a lot of injures. He took me in and helped me to get better."

A shiver went down my spine. I was in the same situation just twenty-four hours ago.

"Does he feed from you?" I asked

"Yes, but it's not bad. Milo takes his time and heals the wounds." I noticed that. When looking at Kristoff you wouldn't be able to tell that he was fed off of. "Are you enjoying your time with Zander? From what I've seen and heard over the past five years he acts very similarly to his pets."

"Yes, he helped my feet heal. He can be hard to read at times."

Kristoff smiled "It'll get easier Sky, just trust him."

A figure shifting through the crowd caught my eye. It looked like Zander. Man that was fast I thought. The person came closer and as he did I realized it wasn't Zander. There is a table a few feet to the left. Maybe they are going there. Kristoff noticed I was watching someone and turned to see who it was. The person was right in front of the table.

"Hello, my sweet. Fancy seeing you here" The dry crackly voice rang in my ear. No. No. He can't be here. It was the vampire that was going to buy me at Madam Charity's.

My whole body became tense. Kristoff noticed "I'm sorry sir, I don't think she knows you."

"Leave you little twat. I have some unfinished business" The man pulled Kristoff out of the booth and slid in next to me. My breath was caught in my chest.

"Now that we are alone..." His hand traveled up my thigh and continued under my skirt. I tried to push it away.

"N-no please I belong to someone now"

His hand came made contact with face. His hit caused me to see stars for a moment. "Bitch, you do as I say."

I tried to get away but was too fast and strong for me. He grabbed my arm with one hand and my face with the other. "Not so fast baby." His hand traveled to the cut out on my top. I felt him make a long deep cut with his nail. I screamed. "Hush you'll ruin my snack."

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