Chapter 28

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"Zander are you listening to me?" Milo's voice broke through my thoughts. The truth was I wasn't listening. My thoughts were being consumed with dread.

"I'll read your mind if I have to." Milo has the extra gift of mind reading. Fine.

"I'm worried that I'm falling for Sky." I said blankly

Milo laughed "Is that all? Zander, it happens more times than not. You are well aware about Kristoff's and I's relationship."

"Yes, but you're not an heir. I have to take over soon. How will people take it if I have a human by my side?" I ran my hand through my hair as I leaned my head back. We were sitting in the library. Both Sky and Kristoff were asleep. It was about 2am and we still had some preparing to do before we met with Jason.

Milo paused for a second. "True, but you are fighting for equal rights for humans. It would show that you truly side with that opinion."

"You're right there, but what about others that would try to attack her? You know that will happen. I can't protect her and rule the land. That would be way too much."

"You could change her." I glared at Milo

"You know the rules, Milo. If we were caught it would be end for both us."

Milo nodded. I could feel he wanted to say something else on the matter but he didn't.

"You think Jason will be on board tomorrow?" I asked.

"He employs mostly humans, treats them fairly well, and is progressive. I would say there's a good chance."

We were trying to get as many businesses to back us up on the equal rights for humans. This way when I take over a lot of the leg work has been done.

Chills ran down my spine. Something is wrong.

"Milo go check on Kristoff. I'm going to check on Sky. There's an uneasy presence" Milo nodded

I sped off to my room and stood outside my door. At first I didn't hear anything, but then I could hear Sky struggling to breath.

I burst into the room. My father was leaning over her choking her. Smiling as the life left her body.

"You son of bitch" I leaped to knock him off of her. We toppled on to the ground. I heard Sky gasp. She's okay, for now

"Stupid boy" My father snared as he grabbed my neck and pinned me against the wall. "I heard you killed another vampire for this piece of trash. You are repeating your mistake, you will never learn." He let go of my neck and I slid down the wall. "I will have to kill her myself. Afterwards, you are band from having pets." My father walked back to bed where Sky was cowering.

"You can't kill her" I said standing up. "I came to you as soon as I got her and asked for her protection." I knew this would happen. He had killed my last pet.

His eyes glowed red "She is to be used only for blood and your pleasures. Stop pleasing her. I will know, I know everything. Mark my words her time is coming."

With that my father stormed off. Sky was on the bed crying. I wanted nothing more than to go to her and comfort her. Now was not the time though, my Father ranks over me therefore he can kick my ass. I'm sorry love. Soon.

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