Chapter 32

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I curled up in a ball inside my cage, trying to not move too much. I was afraid of opening the cuts back up. I laid there thinking about what Milo had said. Trust us, we've got your back. Did he mean it? How could I trust them? Master was so mean, I thought he loved me. The door began to creep open again. I shut my eyes close, so they would think I was asleep.

"That was a beautiful garden" Zelda gushed as her and Master walked in.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"I think I'll go clean up, so we can pick up where we left off." Zelda giggled. I heard her walk past my cage and the door close to the bathroom.

I heard Master walk to my cage, and sighed.

"Love, open your eyes. I know you're not asleep" he said softly.

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked into his face. Carefully he unlocked the cage.

"Come here." He spoke softly "Zelda will be a moment, but we shouldn't waste time."

I crawled out of the cage wincing due to the pain. Master was crouched down, and held his arms open to me. He pulled me close embracing me. His scent causing tears to swell in my eyes. How I have missed his smell.

"I am so sorry, and I know you will never forgive me. I was so thankful when I found Milo. Did you take care of you?"

I nodded slowly.

"I can't explain now, but I need you to be strong. I love you Sky. In all of my existence I have never loved anyone more. I know this will probably destroy us. But it will keep you alive."

I didn't know how to respond. I sat there in his arms, trying to process what he said. His cool lips brushed against mine, and I could feel the spark between us. Slowly he kissed me. I let out a soft, involuntary moan. Master smiled.

"I'm going to give you something to help you sleep. I thought drinking from you would help, but it didn't." Master stood and walked to the desk, he pulled a bottle out and grabbed the glass of water that was sitting there.

He walked back over to me handing me two pills. "You took this on the night you were attacked. It will help you sleep."
I took the pills and swallowed them.

"Back in your cage love, she's almost done." He looked sad, remorseful. I climbed back into my cramped cage. Master clicked the lock shut. "Be quite, or I will have to hurt you. I don't want to do that."

I nodded. My eyes already getting heavy. I curled up, closed my eyes, and allowed the sleep to take over. 

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