↬ chapter one: sawdust & settling

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The office was relatively empty, save for a few employees scattered here and there. Tucked away in the little office in the corner, sat a small woman, no older than 50 perhaps. She types away on the computer, the mechanical clicking resonating in the dimly lit office room. Her name was Phyllis you recalled. She's worked here almost all her life.

“I was here when they built that tower over there. Had sawdust on my desk multiple times.”

You looked over to your phone, only email notifications littered the bar.




You switched your phone off and looked towards the clock, '6 more hours?' Time seemed to slow down every time you entered this establishment. The everlasting feeling of being stuck in a routine tore you down every-time you woke up. Your life wasn't spectacular. Average. Maybe even below average you'd say. Average job. Average coworkers. Average home. Average everything.

The monotony almost drove you insane but what else could you do? It's not like you can drop everything and move to some remote location in the world. Your finger hovered over the Auntie Sam email.

'Maybe I could take up cooking.'

You pondered for a bit, looking over all the recipes involved in the Top 10 list, too enthralled with a picture of the cinnamon apple pie to notice the heavy footsteps of your boss.

“Look alive, Y/N! Sorry about her, she's a work in progress.” He gave an apologetic smile to the woman next to him. You take in her features and notice nothing familiar about them. She had a friendly face, you thought.

'It won't last long after working here.'

“Well, that's it for the tour. If you need any help, don't be afraid to ask around, but I wouldn't recommend going to Y/N, she's...” He makes a wince and proceeds to walk off, and all you can do is stare at his back.



“Have you seen the new girl? She's really nice. You should go talk to her.” Phyllis opens her small lunchbox and digs in.

A small hum of acknowledgment was all you can muster. You picked at your meal. The same lunch you've packed in the same lunchbox every year since you started working here.

“Oh Cordelia! Honey, come sit with us!” Phyllis waved her over. Maybe she grew tired of your non responsive self and maybe she'll find solace in, what was her name, again?

“Cordelia. Don't think we've met yet.” Her outstretched hand stopped inches before your face as your briskly turned at the sound of her voice.

'A cute voice.' The thought lingered in your head as you shook her hand.


“Nice to meet you, Y/N.” A small smile painted her lips. She occupied the chair next you and began to talk animatedly with Phyllis. What felt like hours, were actually minutes. The two women talked to each other and you hoped it stayed that way.

“So what about you, Y/N. What brought you here?” Her lunch long since finished, she rested her head on her hand as she stared at you with anticipation.

You thought for a bit before opening your mouth. “Desperation.”

Cordelia gave a small chuckle. “And why is that?” Cordelia arched her eyebrow, eager to hear your confessional.

You shrugged.

You expected Cordelia to change her focus onto Phyllis or herself but she pestered on.

Cordelia took a sip from her water bottle. “Someone like you doesn't end up here of all places just because. You settled.”

Settled? What is that supposed to mean?” It was your turn to arch your eyebrows. You felt quite offended but Cordelia's face showed nothing but smugness.

Cordelia gave a sly smile and stood up, empty lunch bag in hand. “It'll reveal itself in due time.” Cordelia sauntered off, 'back to her desk' you supposed.

Phyllis wiped her side of the table, crumbs expertly falling into her worn pink tupperware.

“Well, I'm off too.” She stood up and walked to the door, only to stop and turn around. “She's right you know. You settled.” An apologetic smile was thrown your way.

You huffed and followed suit, shoveling away the remains of your mundane lunch into the garbage bin.

'You settled.'

Maybe you did. Maybe you didn't.

You walked out the small break room, into the quaint editing room.

You spotted Cordelia next to Phyllis as you walked back to your desk, both women once again enthralled in conversation.

And when you sat down on your chair, her words echoed within you.

But just like Cordelia said,

'It'll reveal itself in due time.'

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