↬ chapter three: a girl on her own

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Unbeknownst to you, you found yourself chatting with Cordelia a little more than usual. None of the other employees noticed this change within you save for Phyllis. Maybe she looked at you a little more than usual during lunch between the three of you. Maybe she didn't. Maybe she noticed the way you would linger around Cordelia's desk a little longer than your usual curt briefings. Maybe she didn't.

However, Phyllis never mentioned it nor would she dare to. She liked this new you and she intended on keeping it the same.

The day was over, another day filled with Charles' whining.

Cordelia came up to you, Phyllis in tow.


You were too tired to stop yourself from nodding and soon you found yourself nestling a cold bottle of lager,sat in between Cordelia and Phyllis.

Phyllis began telling stories about Charles' mishaps when he began working at Chesapeake Column.

Phyllis sipped from her tankard, as a tall older man approached her.

"May I ask what a beautiful woman is doing in a place like this?" He leaned on the counter next to Phyllis, smirking as she turned around to meet her newfound admirer.

She raised her eyebrows, "Well, I'm out here drinking with my girl friends."

Cordelia and you both turned to look at each other, dumbfounded at the interaction going on before them.

The man wrapped his arm around her shoulder and looked towards the both of you, "Mind if I whisk her away from you two?"

Cordelia chuckled and nodded her head, "Go ahead you two. Have fun Phyllis!" She laughed as she saw Phyllis'face full of lust and intrigue.

Cordelia drank a shot, wincing at the burn as it went down her throat, "And then there were two." The two of you clinked your respective drinks, both wondering what to say now.

Cordelia fumbled around with the wing platter, grabbing a carrot and biting it, "I wish I could find somebody like that." She stared in the direction Phyllis left wistfully, the cogs in her mind running amok.

You bit down on a wing, "Well you're beautiful, you should have zero trouble finding the right man."

She smirked, "You think I'm beautiful?"She lifted her finger and wiped away rogue wing sauce on your face,your face began to flush from her touch, 'The beer, it's the beer.'

Your eyes began to dart everywhere but her face as you stammer.

Her laugh reverberates around the small bar, "Relax, I'm messing with you."

You sigh in relief, 'Nice going, dumbass.'

A silence became over you two, again.

And once again she broke it.



"I'm into women."

The night ended with hushed whispers,typical office gossip and a few more cold lagers. Whether it was the alcohol or the sudden confession from Cordelia, you walked to your car door with a small pep in your step.


Months pass and feelings grow. The two of you become inseparable. Project after project, subscriptions for Chesapeake Column go up.

Lingering touches become commonplace among the two of you, though the conflicting thoughts swarm amid your head,you can't help but to think that this feels right.

Cordelia is sat upon your desk, telling you how her hectic weekend went.

"And I just couldn't stop the neighbor from eating the laundry lint and all I was thinking was, 'What the fuck?' and she just kept eating the lint!"

The two of you laughed, not noticing Charles coming in to the break room.

"Y/N, Let's talk in my office." Charles looked at you, and waited for you to leave Cordelia, confusion written across both of your faces.

You slowly trudged behind Charles, every step you took began to weigh on you. Each step you took led you further into uncertainty.

He opened the door to his office and motioned for you to take a seat.

As you sat down, you felt yourself sink down, and you knew something wasn't right.

"Well, I don't know how to begin with this but, upper management has decided we need to lay off a couple people."

"You want my input or?"

"No, not... exactly. Listen Y/N, I've reviewed your work and it's... subpar. On top of that, I also took it upon myself to report you as well. For you know, plagiarism."

Sick. Sick can not even describe how you felt, "Charles what the hell do you mean 'plagiarism'?

Charles frowned, " 'fraid I can't tell you, it's an ongoing investigation. I just can't believe you'd stoop that low."

"Excuse me?!"

Charles folded his hands together, a subtle smirk painted across his wrinkly prickly face, a face you came to detest.

"Y/N, you're fired. Effective immediately."

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Yes, hello sorry this took too long I've been addicted to playing Apex Legends for the past 10 days.

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