↬ chapter six: a box full of memories

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The high pitched wail of the kettle woke you up. Accidentally falling asleep while waiting for it, you hopped off the couch and slog towards the kitchen, the harsh cold tiles waking you up slightly.

You grabbed a mug and made yourself a cup of tea as you walked back into your room. You made your best efforts to avoid looking at the clock, your nerves flaring up as you saw the minute hand 1 minute closer to 5PM.

You gave your closet a once over, noticing an array of choices. You settled for something comfortable, knowing Cordelia isn't one for anything fancy, favoring comfort over high end.

You ate breakfast alone, staring at your small kitchen window watching people run errands or rush for their commute.

Though it still felt terrible losing your job at Chesapeake, you felt relieved that you managed to escape the hellhole with your dignity intact.

It felt freeing, waking up and knowing you won't have to answer to greedy higher ups. Something you took incredible amount of solace in.

The morning rays softly kissed your skin, bathing in it's morning glow. Breakfast ended, and so did the slow pace of a quiet Tuesday beginning.

Soon enough the clock struck 4, and Cordelia would be here any minute to pick you up. You finished freshening up, checking the mirror every 2 minutes to check if your hair was perfect.

"Just keep cool. You'll be fine. Breathe in, Breathe out."

The doorbell rang.

"Oh fuck."

You calm yourself down before opening the door, Cordelia facing to the side, checking the hallway. "That crazy old lady down the hall just ordered her dog to come bite me, what the hell?!" She chuckled as she went in for a hug.

You held each other for a moment, feeling the nerves die down a bit.

"You ready to go?" Cordelia backed up a bit, still holding you in her arms.

Hesitantly, you let go, "Let me just get my coat." You shuffled back into your room, letting Cordelia wander into your apartment.

As you search your closet for your coat, you tug it off the hanger, causing a small rectangular box to dropout.

You pick it up, feeling the mounds of dry paint painted a long time ago. You trace a finger along the words scribbled on the lid.

BRUSHES,  little white stars littered around the box.

You carefully open it, revealing a few used brushes.


You turn your head around, closing the box and placing it on the top shelf in the closet, "Coming!"


"How's work?" You turn your head to lick the dripping side of your ice cream cone, your attention solely on Cordelia as she spoons ice cream in her mouth.

Cordelia stick her tiny spoon in her ice cream, "Absolutely boring without the two of you. To be quite honest, " She eats another spoonful, "You were my favorite part of going to work." Cordelia slightly blushes at your shocked expression.

You wipe your face with a napkin Cordelia gave you, "Really?!"

Cordelia nodded, "You made things fun. Now it's just a bore having to listen to Veronica rant about her husband's erectile dysfunction, but I just can't bring myself to stop her."

"If you can stop your neighbor from eating lint, You can stop Veronica from talking about her husband's small penis."

Cordelia playfully smacked your arm, "That's different!"

painted in the stars ; cordelia goodeWhere stories live. Discover now