↬ chapter two: a brief exploration into the world of the furries

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Working at the Daily Column was almost like clockwork.

Punch in.

Organize the paper.

Write an editorial.

Coordinate with the PR team.

Submit work for approval from the Editor in Chief.

Sure the man disliked you for reasons unknown but he knew you were a solid member of the team, whether or not he liked to acknowledge the fact seemed to be out of the question though. Getting your worked approved was hell personified.

Work constantly crept its way back to you just because Charles happened to suddenly care about Oxford commas.

Yet, you still woke up.

Still got dressed.

Still punched in.

Still sat down and typed away the hours of your day.

You had nothing better to do.

Constance, a woman you've grown familiar with, stopped at the edge of your desk. She dropped a manila folder with your work for the day on your desk. “Charles wants these revised and submitted by the end of the day.”

Just as quickly as she came, she left without muttering another word. You opened the folder, the familiar condescending red marks littering your paper. You slumped in your chair. Nothing new.

You gave one last look over every correction Charles has made. Setting the paper down, you were met with Cordelia's smiling face.

“Got a minute?” She raised her eyebrows, clearly ignoring the quizzical look you were giving her.

“Uh... yeah?” You organized your desk as she walked over and sat right on top of your desk, a small film camera dangling around on her neck.

“I wanted to ask you if you wanted to accompany me to this ongoing convention, Furcon? FurryCon? I think it'd be a great addition to the paper.” She gave you a pleading look.

You looked straight into her eyes and for a moment you almost lost yourself within them. You cleared your throat as you hastily looked away, hoping she didn't catch your small blush spreading amongst your cheeks.

“I can't. Got an article to revise. Plus, I'm not a convention type of gal. Especially a furry one.” You swiveled back to the computer screen, pulling up the document of your returned article.

Cordelia once again didn't budge away from her self proclaimed spot on your desk.

“Even more reason to go. I'll also throw in the offer of me revising your paper for you. Deal? Or do you want a coffee with that, Ma'am?” She chuckled as she caught sight of your eyes moving to her.



The ride to the convention wasn't all that bad, considering in your hand you held a cup of warm coffee and in the other, a recording device.

Cordelia looked around at all the people in their fur suits, taking in the atmosphere as you heard the clicking of her camera.

“Didn't think there would be this many furries in our town.” You took a sip of your coffee as the both of you approached the entrance.

“You work at a place where your job is to report on the community and you don't even know said community?” Cordelia turned to look at you, an amused expression on her face.

You shrugged, “Just the way I work, I guess.”

Cordelia hummed as a response, a silence washing over the both of you. It wasn't until you two stepped foot within the convention center did Cordelia break the silence.

“Maybe you should try mingling around. Find someone interesting.”

“I don't know if I told you or not but furries aren't the type of people I want to mingle with exactly.”

Cordelia grabbed your arm and the ventured deeper within the crowd, “Listen, even if you don't find someone or something worth publishing, you still walk away with the fact that you're connecting with your community. That's especially important since you work at Chesapeake." She gripped your arm tightly as she almost got swept away by a passerby, clad in a red dog fursuit.

You pulled her back closer to you, wrapping an arm over her shoulders.

Where this type of confidence came from? You have no idea and you certainly have no time to ponder the action as Cordelia drags you, her hand wrapped tightly with yours, to a small group of furries.

Cordelia approaches them, letting go of your hand as she offered hers to the group. Unconsciously missing the warmth of her hand, you placed it in your coat pocket, toying around with the recorder.

“Hi! I'm Cordelia and this is my partner, Y/N, we're with the Chesapeake Column and we were wondering if you have the time to answer a few questions? Maybe a picture as well?”

You stood behind her, struggling to maintain a friendly smile. She urges you forward and out you pull your recorder.

'Well here goes nothing.'


“Cheese!” The flash was bright enough to blind you for a couple of seconds even if you weren't on the receiving end. When your vision came to, you saw Cordelia flashing you a smile.

“That wasn't so bad was it?” You smiled at her, taking note of her slight lisp, making you smile a tad bit harder.

“Come on, let's head back before Charles finds out we were gone.” She weaves between furry and furry, careful not to step on any of their tails.

Somehow someway, she made every step of the way bearable whereas if you found yourself alone in such a foreign place, you would've left with a sour taste in your mouth.

Yet with her, you stayed.

You asked questions.

And you enjoyed yourself, even if it was hard for you to admit.

Once the two you arrived back at the office, she took her time to give you a proper thanks. In an awkward stammer, you managed to muster a small, 'I wanted to say I enjoyed your company.' With a small blush, she brushed the hair behind her ear.

“Even if we spent more time with the furries?”

You nodded.

She gave a soft smile and turned around, heading back to her desk.

“Hey uh, I forgot to give you something.” Searching amongst your desk, you found what you were looking for.

Cordelia's smile faltered a little but was quick to recompose herself.

You handed her your article, a smug smile growing on your lips.

She playfully rolled her eyes at you as you spoke.

“A deal is a deal.”

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