↬ chapter seven: a motherly confession

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The distant vibration of the phone was muffled from being underneath the plethora of canvas you hastily bought at the nearest art supply store. Wednesday came and went and a phone call from your mother was never received.

The days were passed staring at a blank canvas, painting a small stripe, and discarding said canvas.

You stir awake, smudging paint on your face as you wipe mouth from small drool.

You stretch your limbs, satisfying yourself after hearing every snap and crackle from place you never knew could crack. You waddle to the phone, picking it right before the ringing ends.

Groggily, you mutter a 'Hello' to the other person on the line.

"Look who finally decided to pick up the damn phone."

"Good morning mother."

"Good morning to you sweetheart, I'm just here to tell you I'm outside the gate, so come and let me in."

"You're what?"

"I'm here, open the damn gate before the landlo-"

You hung up, begrudgingly making your way down to the garage

You enter the elevator, standing next to a fellow tenant.

He eyes you strangely, his eyes raking your face and your clothes, "You okay?" He waves his finger across his face.

You furrow your brows as you look at the man, "Yes? What's the issue?"

He shakes his head, leaving as quickly as he could once the elevator doors opened.


You followed the arrow, turning the corner and seeing your mom parked outside the gate.

"Took you long enough."

"What you want me to take your keys too and park your car?" You looked at your mother only to see your mother giving you a longing glare.

"You're despicable."

She smiles as she places her keys in your outstretched hand, your blood boiling as she makes her way to the elevator, pulling another newport from her purse. "What's with the paint?"


The door creaked open as you led Zelda inside your apartment.

She swipes her fingers on the nearby end table, slight grimace adorning her face, "Well, you could've cleaned."

You huff, "On such short notice?"

She sets her bag on the couch, "You knew I was coming."

You pour water in a kettle, passing her a box full of assorted tea bags, "Yeah, I've called many times only to be met with you voicemail, You know you should change it Ms.Hawthorne."

Zelda rolls her eyes as she picks out a tea, Sleepy Dragon Hibiscus Tea, and places it in her cup, "Oh please, I'm too busy to change it."


You stand and make your way to the stove,taking the boiling kettle towards the kitchen table.

Zelda pours water in her mug, "So... How have you... been?"

You raise an eyebrow at her, stopping yourself from continuing to pour water in your cup. "What is that you want?"

Zelda, full offense taken, opens and shuts her mouth, "Can't I know how my daughter is doing?"

You scoff, "There's always an ulterior motive when it comes to you being nice, mother."

Zelda rolls her eyes, "Fine. Your father called me."

"Are you still keeping me from him or am I going to have to ask permi-"

"He has cancer, Y/N."

You feel yourself go numb, you stare at your mother, pent up anger bubbling underneath your core.

Zelda gulped, "He wants to talk to all of us."

You wipe a stray tear, "Since when?"

Zelda clasped her hands around her cup,"Recently, just a couple of weeks ago. I offered to pay for his chemo but you know how he is."

You scoffed, "No I don't. You kept me away from him for years. Not even a single call from him."

Vulnerability was never Zelda's strong suit and she knew it well. She knew it when she felt little to no joy when she found out she was pregnant with you, her dreams of stardom cut short when she saw the parallel bars on the pregnancy test.

But Zelda tried,She absolutely tried to be a good mother. She may have been cold and distant but she always meant well even if it never sat right with you.

"I know this apology comes at the worst time but trust me when I saw I truly am sorry. I'm terribly sorry I stole those years from you and your father."

You gave her no answer for none would suffice.

Zelda slowly stretched her hand to touch yours, her touch being something you never felt in years.

You clenched your jaw, "Leave."

Zelda looked down, opened her mouth to speak but opted to leave without the final word. Zelda gathered her things and placed her hand on your shoulder. "I'll send you the details on the small gathering your father is hosting." 

She made her way to the door, stopping to turn and look over her shoulder, seeing you slumped over the table, head in your hands. "I love you in a multitude of ways you will never understand." and with that said, she left.

painted in the stars ; cordelia goodeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang