↬ chapter four: phyllis' soapbox

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The walk of shame was something you didn't think you'd be doing today. But seeing your features after exiting Charles' office, everyone knew it didn't end well.

You picked up a box, formerly holding reams of paper, paper you placed in the printer that morning.

Confusion was the only thing that could describe how you were feeling. The feelings of conflict clouded your mind as you quickly and carelessly threw your personal belongings in the said box.

You hated working here. But you also loved coming to work, for Cordelia. And Phyllis of course.

Cordelia came out of the restroom, shaking her hands to air dry as quickly as possible. She came out smiling, only fading when she saw what you were doing.

Cordelia took short yet quick strides and in no time she was at your desk, trying to console you to the best of her ability.

She placed her hand on your shoulder, squeezing it, "What happened? Are you alright?"

Clenching your jaw, you gritted your response, "Fired. He fucking fired me. For plagiarism." You threw the last item into the box forcefully, startling Cordelia.

At the sound of the commotion, everyone else turned their heads to look at the two of you.

You felt yourself growing small, but also angrier.

Phyllis came to your desk as well, rushing from the other side of the room.

"Why are you packing up?" She placed her hands on her waist.

Cordelia spoke up for you, "Charles fired her for plagiarism."

Phyllis opened her mouth in shock, "You're fucking kidding."

The both of you looked up at Phyllis, confused and bewildered at the fact that little old Phyllis, a kind and respectful older woman had cursed in the entirety of their friendship.

Phyllis huffed, "All Charles was ever good for was sucking off HR. Fucking shit bag."

Phyllis trampled off, presumably to Charles' office.

In all 35 years of working here, nothing riled up Phyllis more than injustice.

As you finished packing up, the sound of a door slamming and muffled yelling was heard in the direction Phyllis left towards. Minutes later, she came back to your desk, taking off her lanyard and throwing it back to Charles, who was following her since she left his office.

"Charles, You wanna tell every-fucking-one of these people what the hell you do?"

Charles stood there, wallowing in the embarrassment that was beginning to creep up. "

Phyllis was pissed. "Tell them Charles or I will."

Charles picked up the fallen lanyard, trying to stall even a bit more longer.

He didn't talk.

Phyllis sauntered off to her desk, grabbing a small notebook, and making her way back.

She licked her finger, and turned to a page. "Martha Walsh, 2015, You said to her, 'Undress for me and you'll get that promotion.'"

Phyllis turned the page, "Jeannie Simmons, 2016, She told me that you groped her inappropriately in the women's restroom. Told her that if she spoke a word to anybody of what happened, you would fire her."

Cordelia raised her camera, snapping a photo of Phyllis standing on a desk, showing everyone the contents held within the black leather skin journal.

Phyllis continued on stating the atrocities Charles has committed until he called security, escorting both you and Phyllis out.

She was still coming down from her adrenaline. "Always hated that fuckhead." She looked towards you, still stunned at Phyllis' outburst. "I'm sorry you got fired kiddo. You were always the best in that office."

She hugged you and helped you with your belongings, saying goodbye to each other as each went into their respective cars. You waited for while, watching Phyllis drive off back to her home, giving you one last wave. It didn't take long for Cordelia to find you sitting alone in your car.

Cordelia tapped on your window, giving you a soft smile.

You lowered the window. "Hey."

Cordelia replied back a simple greeting. "I'm sorry I didn't go out in a blaze of glory like Phyllis did. I kinda need this job."

You chuckled, "It's fine. I understand Cordelia."

The two of you stared at each other for awhile, basking in each others presence. It gave you enough time to take in her features again.

Her blonde hair suited her perfectly, along with her comforting eyes. Instinct made you look at her lips. Lust made you think about kissing them. As if a switch flipped inside your head, you took her lips into your own, bravado taking over.

Cordelia grinned softly into the kiss.

You could've continued kissing her, if it wasn't for Charles calling after her. Cordelia eyed Charles with a dreadful look, one that made your heart wrench in pain.

Cordelia looked back at you, features returning to normal. She pushed back a strand of hair from her face and gave you a tiny peck on your cheek.


Cordelia walked off, and you saw her briskly walk back to Charles, watching both through the side view mirror.

You pulled out of the driveway, smiling like an idiot to yourself only dropping when you realize you have one phone call to make.


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