Chapter 4 - Little Things

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            “Are you still crying Maggs?” Louis cooed as we all walked out of the movie theater. We had gone to see Paranormal Activity 4 and let me just say; scariest movie ever! I normally hate scary movies but not as much as Maggie. I hid my face in Liam’s chest most of the time. The few times I peeked out I screamed bloody murder.

            “It was fricken scary!” Maggie cried out making Niall and Harry burst out into laughter. “What are you two laughing at? You were cuddling the entire time.” she whipped out making both of them shut up.

            “Oh Harry, Harry protect me!” Zayn’s girlfriend called out in a high-pitched voice making all the guys laugh, droning out my groan. I quickly slapped my hand over my mouth hoping nobody heard it. I glared back at his girlfriend Faith and had to be envious of her perfect blonde hair and grey eyes. I had blonde hair too but it was very boring, not even a bright blonde color, it just curled annoying at the ends. She was skinny and tall and overall perfect. I touched my cheek wishing I had her flawless skin. Liam gripped my hand reassuringly and I gave him a half-hearted smile. We all piled into the awaiting van just as a girl started motioning to us then to her friends.

            “So who’s up for some game-age tonight?” Harry said manically.

            “Harry!” Maggie Niall Zayn and I groaned together. Knowing Harry, he wasn’t talking about Twister or Monopoly. I looked over at his girlfriend Penelope and saw her eyes glaze over at the thought of whatever he was planning.

            “Come on!” he begged and gave the four of us puppy eyes.

            “Ugh, fine.” Faith answered with a smile and I wanted to slap her. I didn’t want to play Harry’s little sex games and I was pretty sure nobody else did. I crossed my arms rigidly and sat back into my seat. Faith talked the rest of the ride home and it was all I could do not to slap a piece of DuctTape over her yap. We finally arrived and I rushed into Liam’s house up to “my room” to change into sweatpants. We normally slept in the same bed, not like slept slept but just sleeping. Well mostly.

            “Urg,” I looked in the mirror at my half-naked self and groaned. I head a weird stomach with a really big ribcage, huge thighs, and my ankles weren’t any better. I attempted to look at my flat butt but could only see the annoying intakes right above my ass at the bottom of my spine. I looked again and saw the thousands of scars I had gotten from my ex-boyfriend RJ.

            “Hey, you OK?” Liam knocked on the door and popped his head in. “Not that I don’t love your body but I don’t really want to share it with Horny Harry over there.” He pointed his thumb in the general direction of Harry and Louis’s house. I laughed and slipped into some sweatpants and V-neck. I walked out of the room and held Liam’s hand. I reached up and pecked his lightly.

            “Thank you,” I whispered against his lips making him pull back slightly to look me in the eyes.

            “For what?” he raised his eyebrow slightly like the way he did whenever he was confused.

            “Just for being you.” I smiled contently.

            “Well in that case,” he pushed me back against the wall and claimed my mouth as his. I kissed him back needing the relief. We were only broken apart by Niall running up the stairs and stopping right in front of us.

            “Hey Nialler, wanna join?” I winked and Liam broke out laughing as Niall’s mouth turned into a pink cheerio; well the shape anyways.

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