Hades and Persephone myth

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  Persephone one day was playing around the meadows . Demeter, Persephone's mother called her over. "Persephone why must you go so far away in the meadows.how many times do I have to tell you that you need to be more responsible, There are dangerous people and places in this world!" 

"Mother, I am not a child anymore. I am a adult now.And right now  I'm going to the meadows ." Persephone walked to the meadows picking flowers and spreading new seeds around the meadow. The lord of the underworld Hades, Was taking  Cerberus out of  the underworld to play around. While up above ground  Hades noticed Persephone. Dazzled by Persephone's beauty he decide to make her his wife.  The earth started to rumble underneath Persephone's feet. In a flick of a eye Persephone was swallowed by the earth into the underworld.  Soon Persephone found herself in the underworld. "Hello Persephone dear. Welcome to the Underworld" Persephone stared at Hades  scared that  she would never see her beloved mother ever again. "Now here is your room, dinner will be brought to you soon."  Dinner was brought to Persephone's room later, but Persephone refused to eat anything. "Why aren't you eating?" Asked Hades. " I know the rules of the Underworld Hades, If I eat anything from the Underworld then I would never leave the Underworld ever again".   Soon Persephone became very hungry, So Persephone took out the pomegranate seed she still had left.  Persephone soon ate all six of the pomegranate seeds she had. Demeter soon found out her daughter was gone. Demeter searched everywhere for  Persephone but couldn't found her. So the only thing Demeter could do was to go to Zeus for help. "Zeus my beloved  Persephone is gone! where could she be!"Tears ran down Demeter's face as she told Zeus that  Persephone was gone. " Don't worry Demeter we will find  Persephone." Hermes the God of thieves ,trades  and luck was sent  to find  Persephone. Hermes soon discovered that  Persephone was down at the Underworld.  Hermes went into the Underworld to get  Persephone. Hermes took  Persephone to the gates of the Underworld but of course   Persephone was unable to leave the Underworld. Hermes left later to tell Zeus the news. "where is  Persephone Hermes?"

" Persephone is unable to leave the Underworld Zeus" Zeus confused asked "Why?" 

" Persephone got hungry and ate some pomegranate seeds she had, so she is now tied to the Underworld ." Zeus face turned a red with anger, "Tell Hades to send  Persephone back to her Mother." Hermes soon delivered this news to Hades. Hades angered that he was not allowed to keep  Persephone with him even through she ate in the Underworld refused to send  Persephone back to her mother Demeter. Demeter soon heard this news and was saddened . All the crops started to wilt as Demeter cried. Soon the mortals started to die as there was no more food to eat. Zeus seeing this had to make a deal with Hades. Soon a deal was made that  Persephone would stay six moths with Hades and another six months with her mother. And that is how seasons became a thing.

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