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Soon Persephone stopped visiting Hades. Persephone rarely ever left her mothers side anymore either. While down in the Underworld Hades worried that Persephone no longer wanted to see him. "Cerberus what do you think happened. Persephone  doesn't meet me at our secret spot anymore! She hasn't even sent any messages either!" Both Persephone and Hades was devastated, and heart broken. Soon Hades lost faith in ever talking to Persephone anymore and gave up on there relationship. While Persephone cried every night wishing to see Hades again. Months passed by and neither Hades and Persephone have talked to each other.  But one day Persephone was picking flowers in the meadows while Demeter had to take care of somethings, Bending down to pick up a daisy she heard a familiar  voice behind  her. "P-Persephone?" Turning around there stood right before her eyes was Hades, Her beloved Hades. "H-Hades what are you doing here "stammered Persephone. Stepping towards Persephone Hades whispered "Persephone what happened to us?" Tears begin to swell up in Persephone's eyes  as Persephone stood up. "Hades I'm sorry but where not a thing anymore...." Hades eyes begin to swell up with tears as Persephone said the words of his nightmare. "W-why though, Persephone  what happened, please tell me." Persephone begin to cry , Hades walked towards Persephone and hugged her "It's okay if you don't want to tell me Persephone."

"No Hades I should tell you. My mother found out about us... s-she said that I was forbidden to see you ever again." Hades enraged by what Demeter said . "Persephone I'll work something out." With that Hades kissed Persephone  and left. 

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