The Pomegranate

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"Oh Hades what are we suppose to do!? Hermes is coming to get me soon and we will no longer be together anymore!"Persephone cried in Hades shoulder as Hades gently hugged her"Persephone don't worry we'll figure something out." The days passed by and soon Hermes came to take Persephone back to Demeter. "Wait Hermes let me eat this Pomegranate  first" Before Hermes realized what Persephone said  Persephone had already ate a piece . "No !Persephone why did you eat those pomegranate seeds!" Persephone looked at Hermes and whispered " It is the only way to stay with who I love.".

"Persephone now you can't leave the Underworld anymore! Frustrated Hermes left Persephone waiting at the river Styx."Hermes where's Persephone?" Hermes looked nervously at Zeus and muttered "Persephone ate a piece of  pomegranate just before leaving so she is now unable to leave the Underworld." Demeter begin to cry once again, Zeus angrily looked at Hermes, Hermes backed away from Zeus scared that he would zap him with is lighting Bolt. Zeus sighed in frustration,"Tell Hades that we'll make a deal. Persephone can stay with Hades for half a year and the other half of the year she must return to Demeter" 

"Yes Zeus" Hermes hurried off to the Underworld to tell Hades the deal.  Hades agreed to the deal only because Persephone still wanted to see her mother. Soon Hades married Persephone and Persephone became the queen of the underworld. Hades and Persephone lived happily together for six months. While Persephone was with Hades Demeter was sad, letting all the crops die,  and when Persephone was with Demeter the flowers bloomed brightly and the crops were all healthy. and that is how seasons was made.

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