The Plan

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 Soon Hades came up with a idea. Hades went to Persephone that day . Persephone once again was in the  meadows picking flowers. "Persephone I came up with a plan!" Persephone's face lit up as she heard the voice of Hades. "Hades!" Running up to Hades  Persephone hugged him in  a warm hug. "Persephone  I know how we can be together now. Come to the Underworld with me! No one will bother us ever again and you can be the queen of the Underworld too!" Persephone looked at Hades stunned at what his plan was. "What about my mother Hades?" 

"Don't worry Persephone, Demeter will be fine." Persephone agreed to the plan and soon Hades and Persephone was flying towards the gates of the underworld on Hades chariot. Flower petals flew down from the chariot as skeleton horses pulled Hades and Persephone closer to the Underworld.  For the first few days Hades and Persephone was living happily together with out  anyone finding out about them. Demeter soon noticed that Persephone was gone for days. Worried about Persephone Demeter sent out dryads and Naiads to search for Persephone. The dryads and Naiads soon came back to Demeter with saddening news. "Lady Demeter we could not find Persephone we are deeply sorry." Demeter  saddened that her beloved daughter was gone started to weep. The crops and flowers begin to wilt in Demeter's saddened presence. 

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