03 *edited*

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"Hey Zayn.. Where are you going?" Liam asked as I ran down the stairs. Looking at my watch, I mumbled a faint shit.

"I'm just gonna visit a friend of mine."

"Really? Who?" Niall asked while eating a bowl of cereal

"You'll meet her later, I'm bringing her here. Guys I gotta go bye." Clearly pissed about these guys asking too much questions I got my keys from the counter

"Sure bring her. Wait!!! It's a SHE?!?!?"

"No Louis, it's a girl!" Harry chuckled. I waved goodbye to the lads and made my way to Ariana's hotel. Clearing my mind of things that are not important, I knocked on their hotel door. Looking at my phone, I was greeted by a sharp pitched voice screaming my name.

"Hey frankie." I said as he let me in their room, more like apartment though. I sat on the couch and waited for my friend to come out of her damn room. I'm already 20 minutes late and she's still not ready. Sighing, she finally came out.


"Finally?? I'm already late and you're still not ready."

"That's what you get for being late." She winked and dragged me out of the couch. Waving goodbye to Frankie, we both started talking. Here we go again with the endless stories. I loved her stories, to be honest. She's such an imaginative person and being able to hear her personal experiences and thoughts is quite an honor. You don't get to hear a girl telling you a story about how she slipped in front of a lot of people. Most girls wouldn't want anyone to know that, but I don't understand why. 

"Oh look a bird!" This girl and her weirdness

"Are we near?" I nodded and she stared out the window. 


I got bored from staring out on the window and took a glance of Zayn. That glance became a stare in just 0.5 seconds. Mesmerized by his beauty, I wondered when will I get the chance to have someone like him? Perrie's a lucky girl, Zayn is like boyfriend goals. Good hair, his height, amazing personality and of course his voice. Damn if I was a guy I'd kill to have his beautiful voice. 

"Why are you staring at me like that?"


"You're staring at me like you know all of my deep darkest secrets and I don't eve have deep dark secrets."

"You humor me with your sarcasm." He chuckled and we hit a stop. I looked outside and saw their house. It's their house since we parked right in front of it.

"Lads!!! I'm back." Stepping inside, my jaw dropped because of the sight. Their house was huge in the inside. It's bigger than mine! Well, that's probably because they all live together. 

"Helloo!" British accents greeted me but let's not forget the Irish one. I smiled and greeted them. I'm pretty shy to be honest. Especially if it's your first time meeting the biggest boy band in the world. They introduced themselves with a handshake, very polite guys.

"I don't know." It's been 3 hours since I arrived and they were all bombarding me with questions. 

"Why?" Niall asked

"Ask zayn, not me. I'm not the one who's in a relationship. Besides, I feel like love at first sight is infatuation. It's like uhh you just saw a hot guy or girl and you suddenly feel attracted to him, then you declare it love at first sight? That's just wrong."

"Then why is even love at first sight a thing?" Niall asked and we all shrugged.

"Why are we even talking about love?"

"I believe that," everyone stared at me

"I am hungry and a girl's gotta eat when a girl's gotta eat." I smiled and they all agreed"

The boys were all in the kitchen, debating whether tacos or take-out. I shut my eyes for a minute and dialed Frankie.

"Yes dear?"

"Hey Frankie, what time will you go back to the hotel??"

"Probs in an hour or 2."

"Okay. Text me when you're leaving."

"Sure bubs. Love you bye!"


"Ariana, tacos or take-out??" Harry asked

"Depends on what you guys want to order."


"I like chinese." I smiled and they all started debating again. Tired of all the talking, Liam sat beside me. I smiled at him and he returned the favor. 

"Why can't we just order chinese and also have tacos?" 



"Why didn't you suggest that when you were all in the kitchen debating?" Liam's mouth formed to an 'o' shape and he shouted the solution this non-sense debate. I may not know him for a long time but I'm guessing he's going through some things. I wanted to ask him about it but stopped myself because I know we're not even that close and asking someone who you barely know about their personal life is kinda rude. Hours past and I received a message from Frankie, I hugged all of them and bid goodbye. As usual, Zayn took me back to my hotel like the kind gentleman he is. I hugged him one last time and thanked him for today.

I am sorry for this crappy filler but it's edited and I'm too lazy to think of extra scenes and stuff.


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