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I was watching the kids play in the snow, having fun without me.

I wasn't really the lets-play-together kind of kid. I may be 6 but that doesn't mean a boy my age is to young to know things.

Well anyways someone was walking over to me. Which was weird since no one ever comes near me.

Oh, have I mentioned that I live in a orphanage? Well I do and it's adopt-a-sorry-child-day.

This someone was a girl, preferably a female woman but what else am I supposed to say?

She had short brown wavy hair, glasses and a purple, black and grey beanie to top it off.

Well this woman sat down next to me on the park bench. Looking at me, expecting me to speak. Again, if you haven't noticed, not my kind of thing.

"So..." She said awkwardly. "Why aren't you playing with the other kids?" She asked.

Is she serious? I glared up at her, "Why do you need to know?" I said. "Why are you over here anyways? There are heaps better kids over there."

She didn't seem fazed by my 'smart' question.

"Hmm, maybe because I think you don't have friends. And that you needed some company." She said leaning forward a bit, her hair falling forward with her.

"Yeah well, I don't, so you can just go."

I have to admit, I'm lying to myself on that one.

"Nope. I'm not leaving until I get to know you better." She said leaning back on the park bench, a smirk planted on her lips.

"Well I don't want to know you." I said hoping it would get her to leave.

"How old are you?" She asked ignoring my statement.

"I said I don't want-" I started but she cut me off.

"Look, I don't care what you want. I'm here to talk to you since you seem lonely and need someone to talk to and don't say I'm wrong because you know I'm right." she said.

"Fine." I said caving in.

"Now answer my questions." she said.

"I'm 6."

"Well I'm 24." She said.

"You're 24? And you want a kid?!" I said surprised

"Yes I'm 24 and want a kid what's wrong with that?" She said

"Nothing." I said looking back at the kids.

"Okay now tell me why you're not with the other kids?" She asked really wanting to know.

"They don't understand me, they think I'm weird." I said looking down glumly at my worn out shoes.

There was a bit of awkward silence before she put her hand up poking her pinkie out.

"Well I promise to understand you, even if you are a bit weird." She said letting out a little laugh.

"Crosse your heart and hope to die?" I said crossing my heart.

"I cross my heart and hope to die." Doing the jester as well.

"Deal." I said linking my pinkie with hers.

"Nora." She said smiling.

"Tyler." I said letting out a little chuckle.

Well that's the first part... I kinda lost my creativity near the end but it's as much as I can think of... I know it's kinda boring but it is the first chapter so bear with me [did I use the right spelling for that?] anyways please Vote, Comment and Follow because I would love to know who actually read my stuff... No one really commented on my other book but hey I'm not complaining *sips tea*

You guys should also follow me on Insta:@/kodie615 and my Twitter:@/koda615 because they are the top 2 places I am at... Thank you for reading and I hope you stay with me on this book... Bye guys!!

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