Chapter 10

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Combustion man POV
Pow pow boom from my third eye you shall meet your doom

*silence* looks at the Gaang (minus katara of course)

"DONT think about getting past me combustion man" says the avatar

Combustion man? Is the young avatar referring to me?

I get ready to shoot from my third eye again and the avatar runs towards me, stupid

Zuko POV
I smile, even though she tries to look strong, I can see her nervousness.
I take a step towards her, and she takes a step back. " oh, afraid of me now ? " I say with a snicker
The she takes a step towards me and says proudly "I'm not afraid of you, I have all this water around me, aren't you the one of should be afraid huh" she then takes a water bender stands and gets ready to bend water.

I take yet another step towards her, just casually walking towards her, then I smile and opens my arms and says with a smile "give it your best shot, water bender peasant-" shoot I didn't mean to call her a peasant..... oh well.. now she's prolly angry .....

Katara POV
peasant ?! How dare that hot headed banished prince call me that, now he's asking for trouble, Zuko you're dead.

I was water bending the water and it was kinda hard, it was like the sea didn't want me to control it, but I got some water and threw it towards him.
He just dodged it, and kept walking towards me.. I tried to take more water and make a water octopus, it was extremely tiring and I felt so drained but I had to attack him and get out of here. I'm so tired now... can't AANG and the others get here soon

Sokka POV
I ran towards Aang yelling "I know where Katara is" after some research and a few threads I found out that a fire nation ship was the ship sparkly sparkly boom man got onboard on with Katara and given that he came back here without her, he probably left her here
Aang yells "get Appa, ill keep directing him"
I get Appa and Toph earth bends her way up and get up on Appa, Aang blows airs towards combustion man and flies towards Appa while combustion man shields for the blow of air.
"We're on our way katara" I say lowly

Sparkly sparkly boom man POV
Leaving huh...... I should follow...

Another chapter
And cliffhangers again ^^;;
Over and out

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