The Beast VS. The Hero

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*The next morning*

Midnight: Hey Y/N wake up!

Y/N: Just five more minutes Nemuri.

Midnight: If you don't wake up in the next few minutes I will come in there and get in with you!

Y/N: (Crash!) I'm up I'm up!!!

Midnight: Good now get ready we have to leave early so get hurry up and get ready.

Y/N: Yes ma'am

*Time skip*

Midnight: Ready?

Y/N: Ready.

Midnight: Ok come on. Oh tell me Y/N has anyone caught your eye yet on the first day?

Y/N: Not yet but that's also because I didn't talk to that many people yesterday.

Midnight: Well try to talk to your classmates you might even find a girl.

Y/N: Maybe.

Midnight: Why do you say it like that?

Y/N: No girl is gonna like I mean look at my face.

Midnight: Don't be like that. You are a nice person any girl would be lucky to have you.

Y/N: I guess you're right.

Midnight: I know I'm right.

Y/N: Well I got to get to class.

Midnight: Ok I will see you later then.

*Time Skip*

All Might: I AM HERE!!! coming through the door like a normal person.

Kirishima: Woah All Might is teaching here I guess the rumors were true.

Tsuyu: Isn't that his silver age costume? Ribbit.

All Might: Ok everyone settle down welcome to the most important class......HERO BASICS!!!

Y/N: Finally.

All Might: Now get in your hero costumes and meet me at city C.

All Might: Y/N I already know you have your hero costume with you so come on I need to talk to you.

Y/N: Yes sir.

*Y/N and All Might start heading to city C*

All Might: So Y/N I have a question for you.

Y/N: I think I already know what you're going to ask but go ahead.

All Might: How do you know about the boy that was kidnapped 5 years ago?

Y/N: Easy answer because I am that boy.

All Might: Really?!

Y/N: Yep that night you meet me a man came and kidnapped me and took me to All For One I was tested on for 3 years. I broke out and became a vigilante for 2 years and the rest you already know.

All Might: Well I'm glad I found you when I did now you can follow your dream.

Y/N: Yep it looks that way thank you All Might

All Might: Your welcome Y/N.

All Might: Ah look at all of you heroes in training. Today we shall learn about Combat training.

All Might: All of you will be drawing lots to be put onto teams for heroes and villains. Now everyone come make your teams.

*3 minutes later*

When a beast becomes a hero (Bnha x Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now