Chapter 8

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(A.N. Thank you so much for a 100 reads this means so much to me. Before I never thought I would post this story and for only posting 7 chapters of this book and it already hit 100 and is surpassing it means so much. Enjoy this chapter. - XO Nessa)

Shawn POV

•Convo Between everyone basically •

Andrew: Well here he is.

I didn't know why Andrew had said that but I wasn't going to press him about it because right now at this exact moment because I'm staring at her. I never knew this moment was ever going to happen especially at my workplace but I am happy I saw her again maybe this time I could get a name and number. But I didn't ask all I did was stare at her while she was staring back at me and holding her arm as that is how I saved her life just moments ago. Right, when I touched her I felt something. I don't want to be cliche or cheesy but it was like a spark and all the butterflies rushed in my body and were trying to find a way out. I heard everyone talking around me and I can feel everyone moving around me but for me, it felt like time had stopped and I couldn't hear what everyone was saying and my head couldn't move to see anything else except her. It's crazy how I'm so attached to someone that I don't even know. I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing would come out not even a sound. Grow up man she just a pretty girl. God this is so embarrassing. Great now she got you talking to yourself in your head. You sound like a psycho. This is why she left in the morning. I had enough of the voice in my head because I know that I'm going to go crazy if I keep this up.

Shawn: Hi

Y/n: shyly waves and moves arm out of Shawn's intense grip.

We just stand there awkwardly I keep trying to get her attention and for her to speak to me. Just one word would be nice. But nothing. At least she waved to me or else I think we would have a problem.

Andrew: Okay. So have you guys introduced each other yet

Y/N: Nope not yet

She speaks. That's nice to know. Only if she would speak to me would make this day a lot better. Maybe Andrew would make her speak to me

Andrew: Okay I guess I will do it then

I stand corrected. I guess Andrew will speak for her.

Andrew: So Shawn this is your new personal assistant. I cleared everything on your schedule so that you two can get to know each other since you two will be together a lot from this point on. Shawn you guys can use my office just please no funny business.

From the look on her face, I guess she didn't expect Andrew to say that. Hell, I didn't expect him to say that. She looks mortified. We all quietly walked into his office and when we get to the door she spoke again saying that he had nothing to worry about that she wouldn't do anything like that. He trusted her and knew she wouldn't. It just goes to show you that I know her differently then he does.

As soon as he closed the door I turn around to look at her and she looked at me. As we both were about to say something nothing came out. We were both left speechless staring at each other. As I take a seat beside her I realized that my palms are sweaty. Why am I so nervous.

(A.N. Sorry for this short chapter will post a longer one next time. - XO Nessa)

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